Ch. 5.1: A Mighty Big Problem!

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*We begin our new chapter with Blaze waking up after a crazy night of training but then he noticed that he is not on the Helicarrier but rather in the woods*

Blaze: "What the heck? I don't remember teleporting to the woods last ni- Ah crap no... I must've sleep-ported again but how am I gonna find civilization-"

*He hears great accordian music as he goes towards it and comes out near a beautifully crafted wooden home with a big sword atop the building named: Warriors for Hire though once he hears the music get louder he hides in a nearby bush hoping not to disturb the owners*

Blaze: *thoughts* "Mighty Magiswords? Not gonna lie they do seem kinda cool but that old guy is bein' a jerk especially when he hasn't given them a chance... somebody's gotta stand up for them."

*He then cracks his knuckles and steps out of the bush over to the Warriors*

*Out Loud* "Hey if I might point something out you haven't really given them much of a chance to demonstrate just how mighty their Magiswords are so if I were you I'd let them demonstrate before ya judge."

??????: "Why many thanks for pointing that out and for standing up for our business... if I may ask what is your name, young man?"

Blaze: "Blaze Shimmer official Multiversal Guardian at your service... now if I may ask the same for you?"

??????: "Well, Blaze. My name is Vambre Warrior and the doof with the accordion is my brother Prohyas."


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Blaze: "So if I may ask

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Blaze: "So if I may ask... where am I?
This doesn't seem like the world I'm from."

Vambre: "Well, darling you are in the kingdom of Rhyboflaven run by the fantastic Princess Zangie and as my brother so eloquently our business is Warriors for Hire and we go on missions with our MagiSwords as they may be silly and odd however the right Magisword can get the job done right away."

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