finishing off,

616 11 13

The end.
Just refer to it, I'm done with cashier x reader stuff , I might re continue it idk, I just need a break, a really long break from wattpadd,

Mental health
Mentions of gr00m3d

Explaining the reasons,on why this books of cashier has ended,

This may be triggering to some people, if trigger easily please do not read.

I've been tired lately, school has been pretty much making me sick a lot, that's also one of the reasons the cashier x reader book eneded on this acc @hysterical_sobbing

Mental health is also something I've never been paying attention to, and now lately it's been getting worse and worse by the second,

Therapy isn't helping much, that's why cashier x reader was created, I was trying to find a coping method to prevent me from doing anything harmful to myself,

Mental health has also had a huge impact onto my creativity, lack of words, I'm so shaky I can't help myself,

I just try my best, seeing people 'praise' me for how good the book was made me feel, important or special in some sort,

My family haven't have been playing any attention to me, people giving me attention and affection makes me so happy,

Loads of you wanting to see even more, this phase has have to be one of the happiest yet cringest one I've gone through,

I'm gonna write another x reader if I ever find a roblox game that's starting to get attention,

And if I completely honest, I was actually getting gr00m3d, all of you showing me support have helped me gone through through tough time,

This gr00mīng incident happend back in March, the time i started making the cashier x reader

I thank you all so much.
Thank you, thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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