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You've awoken from a "small" nap, you get off your bed and immediately get a headache, you stay still for the next 15 seconds, not moving,

The headache eventually fades away quite quickly, you look at the time and it was 4am, just like the past days, it's getting quite on your nerves,

All you wanted now was just a good rest, you grab a hoodie and put it on, you check your hoodie's pocket to make sure you had your wallet, and you did ,

You got out your house now on your way to the convenience store, while walking to the store, You spotted cashier, who was leaning against the glass of window behide him,

He was under the street lights, gazing at the stars not noticing your presence, you decided not to bother him

You instead entered the store and was greeted by a bell ring, you made your way to the isle making sure to check every shelves carefully,

There sadly wasn't anything today, no wonder player didn't come he probably came and also found nothing..unless he was the one who took all of it..

You sighed and was about to leave the store until you noticed the cashier was now behide the counter, you both stared at each other, and it was getting too awkward, so you decided to break the silence,

"Do you like, ever restock the shelves?"
You questioned the cashier

"Yeah, but I don't even get paid for it so I don't bother doing it."
He said giving you a cold look,

"I can restock the shelves if you'd like,"
You said, but you're too stupid, you never think first, you just say whatever comes out of your mouth,

you said mentally swearing to yourself

"Yeah, okay, sure, the boxes are right over the corner,"
He said while pointing to the boxes,

You nodded and opened the boxes, revealing loads of chocolate, candies, sodas, and chips, you can't turn back now,

Plus you don't even have anything to do at your house, you sighed to yourself mentally, regretting the words that spat out of your mouth,

You started restocking the shelves, one by one, cashier was sleeping, his head head the counter, maybe when you were done you could get a free soda and talk a bit to him?

You were thinking about questions to ask him while restocking the shelves, like took a good 15-21 minutes, once you were done, you walked towards the counter,

*I wonder if his hair is fluffy..he wouldn't find out I played with his hair...I think.*
You thought to yourself while you started playing with his hair, yes! It was indeed fluffy and soft!

You noticed his face went all red, but once you blinked, the red colour on his face was gone, you shrugged it off

"I'm done, and I want to ask you questions."
You said while poking his head gently , cashier lifted his head and looked at you unamused, irritated and bored, he then looked behide you, looking at the fully restocked shelves

"You actually restocked the shelves, I thought you would've ran away or something..how surprising..anyways, thanks, now go on with the questions"
He said, he now sounded less annoyed,

"Well, does anyone else but you work here?"
You asked with a tone of concern in your voice, he shaked his head as a no

"I feel bad for you, I mean, I would also be tired of life if I were you".
You said

"I don't know either to take it as a compliment or a bad way."
He said

You said while shrugging

For the next 1 hour you both talked about yourselves, and learned that both of you had lots of things in common,

"Well, I should get back home, it was nice talking to you,"
You said to him,

"Oh, alright, but before you leave, I know it's kinda early to do those kinds of thing but here, you can have it incase you ever feel lonely and need someone to talk to."
Cashier said while handing you a small note, you took it from his hand gently, and opened it, it was his phone number,

How cool! You got someone's phone number!!11 you couldn't help it but smile at him, he smiled back at you,

You both said your goodbyes and you headed back home, you went inside your bedroom and flopped onto your bed,. slowly drifting into your sleep, once you'll wake back up, you'll add his phone number..

(765 words!)

Cashier x reader GASA4 Where stories live. Discover now