I died and now I'm blind, Damnit!

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I was running through the alleyways trying to escape some thugs well what would see from thugs are some guys with knives. Dear god, I was wrong. I was running from two dudes and a random ass chick with a Sword. A FUCKING SWORD!! 



She yelled at me when I saw the end of the alleyway now heading towards the road.

Come on I can maybe lose them by using the traffic. If there are any out at this time.

When I ran out of the alleyway I went through the road hoping no cars or HIM would hit me.

went I managed to pass the road I looked back to see they stopped only for a sec until they started to move again but as if on cue HE came and then crashed into the thugs then hit the building.

Y/N: Damn there is no mercy in you is there aye-

The next second later I saw the trailer swinging its way at me and it was moving too fast for me to run.

Y/N: 'Damn you just can't miss can you Truck-Ku-'

before I could finish what I was thinking about It hit me hard. I was rolling down the side walk and then I could not see.

Y/N: 'damn no wonder you're a menace. *Sigh* what to do now I can't see shit.'

Notice: You have now received Skill Spatial Awareness.

Y/N: 'Why must it be so cold this night.'

Notice: You have now received Skill Cold Resistance.

Y/N: Welp I hope that mother fucker gives me someone to talk to.

Notice: You have now received Skill Sage.

Y/N: 'My mind hurts like hell, can I even move?'

Notice: You have now received Skill Hivemind.

Y/N: 'I wish someone could hear me in any way.'

 Notice: You have now received Skill Thought Communication.

Notice: Your Skills, Hivemind And Thought Communication have now been combined into Skill Telekinetic Hive Control.

Notice: Race Setting error un-able to correctly set soul to correct body due to compatibility. Creating race for compatibility of soul.

Notice: Race creation complete. Adding requirements to Race to effectively use.

Y/N: Ugh HE better give me something good but, oh well.

Notice: Race is now classified as unsafe. Attempting shut down of creation...   Error. Unable to shut down creation, Magicule level unsafe, soul connection complete beginning the transport of the race now. Attempting to halt transport... Error retrying... Error Retrying... Error. unable to halt transport, new class or race now classified as breached. Unable to call back the race. 


Y/N: 'ugh I feel... I Feel... fine? odd wasn't I hit by a truck a minute ago?'

I attempt to get up to see that I am already up and feel that I don't have hands or legs.

Y/N: 'wait what? where is me?'

I check my whole surroundings to see that I am stuck, color-blind and am not in a human body.

Y/N: 'Oh just great I am stuck and I don't know how to move, this is just great... What now?'

Scape and run: Parasite x TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now