-How You guys met-

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Finney: You were walking to school one day and saw him with a younger girl that looked like his sister. You two made eye-contact while on the opposite side of the sidewalk. The younger girl which I later found out was his sister Gwen/Gwenny saw you two look at each other and came over to talk to you. You watched as Finney looked nervous from afar and laughed to yourself. You gave Gwen your phone number and she then delivered it to Finney you smiled and continued walking to school. From that day on you kept giving each other glances in the hallways and he finally got the balls to talk to you and ask you out. Ever since that date you guys started dating.

Robin: You were walking with your friends Finney and Gwen when you saw a crowd chanting "Fight" you and Gwen rushed over to see what it was, and you saw this really cute guy beating up Moose the guy everyone's scared of. You were shocked that someone even dared to fight with him. You were paying close attention to the fight, and it was about to end when suddenly the guy looked up and winked at you. You were flustered and started to blush Finney pulled you and Gwen away from the fight and we were upset but we realized we were almost late to class, and we rushed in. The guy walked into the room a little late from patching up his hands due to his bloody knuckles. He sat right next to me making me secretly blushing. "Hey Princesa, did I make you blush~" "Why a-are you calling me that" "What do you not like it?" He said with a grinning smirk. 

Vance: You went to Grab n Go with a couple of friends when you saw this cute boy. You know his name. Well, everyone did. He was the bad boy in the town everyone liked him there's no way in hell he'd like you back. You watched him play pin ball he looked so focused on the game until these two goofballs came in and fooled around. One of them ended up knocking into the pin ball machine and ruined Vance's game he got so mad that he just lashed out into a fight. You were watching the fight while your friends were trying to get your attention, but you couldn't care less. The fight got so intense that Vance used the other guy's pocketknife to carve some numbers into his arm. While he was getting taken away by the cops, he just smiled at you. Everyone in the store was shook and couldn't believe that for like once in his whole life he smiled. Y/n must be a special girl.

Bruce: At your best friend Finney's baseball game you came across a really handsome boy up to bat. Finney pitched the ball and the boy whose name I figured out is Bruce missed it earning a strike. Finney pitched again and he missed yet a second time gaining another strike. He looked really upset I kind of felt bad but then remembered I was rooting for my best friend to win not some random cute guy. It was the last strike that Finney's team needed to win the game. he pitched with all that was in him and..... he hit the ball really far and they got the win. As he was running the base's well walking because the ball went over the fence. Anyways as he was walking the bases, he looked at me waved then bowed down. I smiled and then went to go see Finney and congratulate him Bruce came over and asked for my number. I gave It to him and told him to call me later.

Billy: I was about to go hang out with friends. I said goodbye to my mother and walked outside. I sat down waiting for my friend Y/f/n (Your friends name) when the neighborhood paper boy Billy came around and through our newspaper. I always adored him I mean how could you not he's so cute and can we talk about his dog. His dog is so cute omg!! All my friends tease me about him, but I don't really care anymore because I love him so much, I just ignore it. He's so cute and respectful when he was driving by his dog came over to me and I started to pet him. Billy came over and grabbed the leash off the ground. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen" "Don't worry about it! I think he's cute." "And I think you're cute..." "Not so bad yourself paperboy" "We should go more papers to deliver" "You go do that" "Bye" "Bye Bye" I kissed his cheek and then he rode off. My friend then came to pick me up and we went out.

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