ch. 5 party

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What you wear ^^ (feel free to change it)

I wore this black mini dress with sleeves so I don't get too cold. I walked out as soon as Jacob walked out. We held eye contact for 5 seconds till someone called our names from downstairs. You put your white air forces on and walked down the stairs with Jacob behind you. He was wearing a white top with some of the buttons on the top undone showing some of his abs. He wore black pants underneath. Everyone started saying ooo.
Me and Jacob just laughed it off. We headed into the car. Me, Jacob, Kristian, Mia, and Thomas were in one car the rest were in another.

Jacob's pov-
I kept on staring at her during the car ride, she was so beautiful in the dress. I made sure I have the surprise in my pocket to show her.

Y/n's pov-
I couldn't help but notice Jacob staring at me, I brushed it off tho talking with Kristian. We arrived and Jacob was messing with his hands. We arrived at the party. Everyone greeted us and the hype house went to dance. I went around looking for a place to sit when Jacob caught up too me.

J- hey
Y/n- hey
J- we should talk
Y/n- What's up?
J- I really like you and well I was thinking.. would you like to be my girlfriend?!
Y/n- yes! I was waiting 500 million years for this.
Jacob laughs we hug and we both go on the dance floors. I drank only two drinks and I'm already wasted. Me and Jacob were dancing when he pulled me and and we kissed. He pulled away, and then we both smiled. When we got home I ran straight into my bathroom and starting throwing up. I felt someone hold my hair up and I saw it was Jacob. He started rubbing my back while I threw up. Finally it stopped.
Y/n- thanks J
J- you're welcome love
You blushed a lil. We went to my bed and started scrolling on TikTok's. We fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night. I walked downstairs and my jaw dropped...

This was short. I have another one that is longer coming right after this. I'm working on it rn

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