•Chapter two•

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Only person who calls me blakley is...Mattia
You sit there tearing up at a red light because you have loads of flash backs.

"What, Mattia

Unknown: blakley , look I need you to just listen to me for a minute you never let me explain myself.

"You had loads of chances to explain yourself mattia and you failed"

Unknown: Blakley Marie rose. Just listen to me.

"I'm listening"

Unknown: I'm not making this up I know you and kairi have be together for almost 6 months and I don't want to be to person to ruin that. But I seen kairi walk in to a hotel with another girl last-

You hang up not giving him the chance to finish, you pull into a parking lot with know one in it to take a break. "WHAT THE FUCK" as you scream breaking down not knowing what to do. Me being a idiot I drive over to Mattias.

                                15minutes later
You knock at mattias door as the door opens you see his mother

His mom: o my god. Blake it's been so long. Mattias struggles gone through a lot go ahead he's in his room.

"Thank you"

You go In Mattias room and sit on his bed because he's in the bathroom and wait for him.

Mattia: holy shit Blake you scared me

I just walk over and hug him and cry. he immediately knows what's wrong and hugs me back tight

"God, I miss you so much mattia it doesn't feel the same without you. Can I stay the night?"

                           Next morning
You wake up to see your clothes on the floor and Mattias arm around your waist "OH SHIT, SHIT SHIT SHIT" you grab your clothes and run to the bathroom and change, "fuck where's my phone" you hurry and leave his house. You get to your car and check your phone to see kairi text you

 You get to your car and check your phone to see kairi text you

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I text kairi back and say this

Kairi I really could care less about how you feel right now. You cheated on me way before I did way to play to get played right back I'm not dumb kairi mattia was at the hotel pool party and you thought not to tell me or invite me to a party . YOU HOOKED UP WITH NESSA out of all people if that's the case your a  disgusting douche bag kairi. You didn't say it but I will we not even we need and you over nothing labeled done. Don't call me or text me I'm done and yeah mattias way better than you'll ever be .

You pull out of Mattias driveway to go home and pack all of kairis stuff Hes givin you and you had. You get home and pack the box while crying because you know you messed up by just even going over to Mattias you grab the box and put in your car.

                            You pull up to kairis

You see kairi sitting in his car listening to our song we had together. You knock on his window

Kairi: nah, go away we're nothing right.

We aren't and you happened to have a lighter in you're pocket and you out the box of his stuff on fire. "

"Fuck you kairi"

And you drive off while the box is burning in his driveway.

Thank you guys so much for reading " the boy I loved" Let me know if I should finish more of this story And finish the book <333

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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