Part one

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"Byeeee, I'm going to my room!!" I yelled leaving the living room. My brother has a bunch of people over for his birthday he just turned 21 so you know they're all drinking.
On my way to my room I realized I was thirsty so I went to the kitchen and there were two guys standing and talking. One of them was tall and well built, with brown hair that was straight but curled at the ends. And amber eyes and a charming smile. I couldn't see the other one because his back was to me. Oh well not like I care. "Excuse me, I need to get into the fridge." They two men apologized and moved. I squatted down looking for anything that wasn't alcohol. Yess Dr.Pepper. I love Dr.Pepper.

I exit the kitchen and then the guy with the brown hair stopped me and asked what my name was "Marley, my name is Marley" he tells me that my name is pretty and I ask for his name. You know to be polite. "Colson but everyone calls me Cole for short." He has a nice name I won't lie. Do you think my brother would notice if I stole him for the night? Kidding as if. "How is your day going?" "My day? Uhm well it's going I guess just frustrated from school" He gets a confused look on his face. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" "Oh, I'm 17 I'm graduating early so I have a lot of school work to do. It gets really tiring and exhausting." He just stares at me with this strange look on his face. "Okay well, I'd love to stay and chat but I should get to my room." "Why?" Why does he care? It's not like he wants to talk to me. Does he?

"There's a lot going on down here and I'm not the social type, plus drinking isn't my thing" "Well what is your 'thing'?" You. "I like to read books, and I like math" god I sound so boring. "So you're a smart girl?" "Uhm I wouldn't say that but I guess so?" "Smart girls are my thing." A shiver just went down my back what did this good looking man just tell me. Play it cool. "Yeah some guys like brains, and some guys like both. And some guys just like to go for one night stands and looks" he gives me this look as if he studying me. "What do you look for Miss Marley" "uhh I don't know most boys at my school are total fucking idiots. I guess you can say I just like a guy who I can talk to and have a good conversation with" "like we are now?" Shit. Shit. Shit. "Uh yeah basically." Okay I want to leave now. Not that I'm uncomfortable but my mind is wondering and I cannot have that happen. "Hey Cole?" "Yes Marley" "May I ask you a question?" "Of course, what do you want to know?" "How old are you?" He pauses and breathes in. Christ please tell me he isn't like 30. "I'm 20" not too bad. I like older men anyways. "Sooo you shouldn't be drinking?" I laugh and he looks down at his cup filled with some liquid. He laughs along with me. "Yeahhh probably not, but this is my first drink and I've had it for like an hour and yet I've barely drank any of it" interesting. "Do you just want to look like your drinking?" "In all honesty yeah, see Marley, drinking isn't my thing either. But I was invited so I showed up and I'm glad I did because I got to meet you."

Oh shit here we go. I smile up at him because this man is at least a foot taller than me. "I'm glad I got to meet you to. But hey, I am going to go upstairs now. Goodnight Coleson" "sad to see you go but goodnight Marley"

I don't want to leave but I need to before I give into what my perverted mind is thinking.
I leave and I make my way upstairs. I stop when I thought I heard someone walking, I brush it off thinking that it's just one of my brothers drunk friends walking around.

I turn the light off and I walk over to my bed and lay down. It feels nice to lay down but it's not peaceful because I can't stop thinking about Cole. I kept thinking about if he had just grabbed me by the waste and lifted me onto the counter top and just made out. But that'll never happen, I laugh to myself

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