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Wybie and Coraline were weird around each other. After the first few days of the week, I offered them the guest room in our basement. My parents weren't particularly happy, but Coraline managed to convince them.

Courtney flirted with Wybie the entire time they had stayed so far and Wybie was not into it.

Coraline stayed Up really late. I could hear her in the kitchen at three am for a snack the other day. My grandma also said she wasn't sleeping in her and Wybie's room.

"Norman, What do you think the final conclusion is here?" Coraline pondered as she pinned a picture of a legendary warrior to the cork board.

"Well, I guess the main idea was that we find why and where this supernatural energy is coming from. Y'know Gravity Falls?"

Coraline nodded.

"I managed to get ahold of two witnesses. Their names are Dipper and Mable. They faced down the demon that caused the event." I continued.

When I answered she looked a little less sad.

Coraline and I would often meet in the kitchen late at night due to our nightmares. We chatted a lot, she talked about the Beldam and how looking back the other world had a smell of rot and mold. And everything seemed too perfect. Her bedroom, the gardens, the house. I told her about Aggie and how She was finally at peace, she would come back sometimes and give updates about her and her mom.

It was a sluggish morning; rain was pelting the roof. Wybie, Coraline, Courtney, and Neil were playing uno in the living room with a zombie movie in the background. I turned around to get milk from the fridge, I lifted it out of the fridge. That's when aggie thought it would be a good idea to pop out behind me.

"Hi Norman!"

The milk did not make it out of the situation.

"H-hi Aggie! What are you doing here?" I asked while chewing on very dry cheerios.

"Well there was talk in the Afterworld. The gods of death have said they've been too active lately, as in collecting more souls than usual."

I frowned, "What does this have to do with me?"

She rolled her eyes, clearly irritated. "Norman, this means someone, or something is killing people."

"Again, why am I who has to deal with it?"

"NORMAN! Not everything is about you. This entity has been leaving messages with the spirits."

"Well, this can't be good."

"No, It's not. They all talk about a girl named Coraline."

I Knew that if I told her she would be scared shitless, I was already. I would have to tell her; I wouldn't put that on someone else. I mean it was what seemed like the start of end times. I knew the only person who could calm her would be Wybie.

I wasn't sure how to tell Wybie, and it wasn't going to be easy. Wybie was fiercely protective of Coraline. 

I knocked in the doorframe of the living room.

"Hey, can I Borrow Wybie?"

He turned his head, "Sure."

I closed the door to my room. "Okay Wybie, what I'm about to tell you is extremely sensitive. It involves Coraline."

His face tensed, but he nodded in agreement.

"Agatha, my very dead cousin came to me. She told me that there's been an increase in deaths. The gods of death are saying that each spirit is coming to them with a single sentence that they remember. Each of them talks about Coraline."

"What do you mean by that?"

I inhaled, "Someone is killing people and having them deliver messages. Coraline is part of a bigger event."

"Norman, sweetie, did you have a good time with our guests today?" my mother prodded.

"Yeah, there's some not-so-great news though."

My mom smiled and ruffled my cowlick, "Well you're a bright kid sweetheart. You'll figure it out."

"I hope so."

What if we were the same? [Coraline and Others :)) ]Where stories live. Discover now