I opened my agenda to see when is the perfect date for the party. I notice, in the same week, school will be starting.DAMMMIT. I didn't even bought my books yet... I went through Jimin's phone to see his schedule to see if his school starts too. Yeah..We don't attempt the same school. I changed school when we broke up...BUT enough of that because now we are together and let's not think about the past :)

As I was saying he starts school 2 days after mine... I should remind him to buy his books too.

-''Kim'' I heard Jimin tiredly whispering my name

I walk to his bed and cuddle with him


-''What are you doing on my phone'' He ask with his eyes still shut "Don't you think I'm not trusty enough" He laughed

-''No, no!! I was just wondering when you're starting school?''

-''Aish..Come back to Shiwan High school'' He then pulled me in his arms

-''Yeah.. yeah...I will. But I need to talk with the principal before I leave"

-"Do it, because you will spend everyday with us especially with your boyfriend" He smiled with his eyes shut, meaning that he is day drea ing about it. I gave him a kiss on his lips

-"Babe, I will pack your things first, the-"

-"Relax Kim, sleep with me!!" He whined and trowed the cover sheets on my face.

I decided to take a nap with him, I didn't even look at the time before I sleep. Dammit...


I am the first one to wake up amongst the others . My roommate is Hoseok because we're both the clean maniac plus Kim *wink* in this house. He doesn't want to clean the others room so I and Kim clean the kids room. Well anyways he's still sleeping, like an adorable baby.

I walked out of my room, I think when the boys will wake up, they'll cry for food. So I should cook food now. Before I did that. I decide to take a little peek on the couple because I want to know what are they doing, well because this is my house. I went to Jimin's room, I slowly open the door, I saw them sleeping together. Kim's head was on Jimin's chest. Jimin's left arm was around her neck and his right hand was on her waist. I am glad that Jimin is happy. Seeing them back together make me want to cry..well tears of joy. Jimin was so depress all those past years without her and now look ..I can totally see happiness on his face even if he's sleeping.

I decide to make food for them because whenever I cook, they'll wake up thanks to the smell and I want them to do their luggage for the trip to China! I don't want them to forget anything when we arrive there. I was about to take some vegetables in the fridge but then I heard someone yawning

-"There's nothing" Kim laugh with her sleepy eyes close

-"Good Morning sleepy head" I smiled

-"Morning hahah, I will go buy some groceries, just wait a bit, I'll go wash - "

-"It's fine, you can stay here. I'll go" I said while closing the fridge. I grabbed my jacket and went to the grocery store near our dorm


I woke up after a long nap with Jimin, I got out from bed and continue the plan for Mark's party, even if I was tired as F. Few minutes later, I heard someone opening the fridge in the kitchen. I knew there is nothing in it so I went down stair to tell the peson and to know who was it..I was still tired so I wasn't certain who was it

-''Good morning sleepy head'' He laughed

Oh, it's Jin oppa :)

-''Good morning, I'll go buy some groceries-''

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