• chapter 11 •

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A/N : hey yall! I'm super sorry this took so long! Meant to have it up this weekend started writing and I got covid and I finally felt good enough to write today so this is definitely a more fluff chapter then intended but I hope yall enjoy!


"Maybe we'll finish the movie this time"


Robin shook her head " you guys go from joking to yelling to being sweet to sex so quickly " you shrug and smirk     " that's just our thing " you replied then steve came out from the back " new tapes guys " he said setting them onto the counter " what are they? " you asked " these ones are Farris Bueller's day off, Top gun, and pretty in pink " you sat on top of the counter and he handed them to you for you to look at " didn't you see top gun at the drive-in? " you asked steve " yeah well I was also on a date so ... " you and robin looked each other and rolled your eyes and you handed him back the tapes and looked at your watch.

" ugh I wish it 6:00 alreadyyy " " what time is it?" Robin asked " 5:30 " you replied " you know what just go ahead ill clock you out " you got up and smiled " really? " she nodded " thank youuu! " you ran to the back and grabbed your purse then gave Robin a quick hug and Steve a friendly push on the way out "bye dinguses " you say walking out then you ran to your car.

You threw your purse in the car and got in then grabbed your keys and started the car and then you lit a cigarette and started to drive speeding but not to much though as thoughts of eddie racing through your mind.


Once you got home Eddie wasn't there you didn't think to much of it cause it was only 5:46 you told him you got off at 6. You're parents told you they were going out to play bingo and they'd be home late, and you told them eddie was coming over. You decided to take a shower but decided not to wash your hair just wash the day off yourself. When you got out and dried off. you put on underwear of course along with a pair of joggers and a tank top and a comfy pair of socks and tied up your hair in a high pony with a scrunchie then checked the time

6:08 you headed down stairs still not thinking much of Ed not showing up you decided to make some popcorn so you put the bag in the microwave and cooked it almost burning your finger tips trying to put the bag in a bowl

You checked the time again 6:15 you still didn't think much so you sat on the couch and turned of the television and started watching Alf

After you'd watched almost 2 episodes and had a bowl full of popcorn and 3 cigarettes you heard a knock at the door and checked the time 6:55 you stood up and walked the door you could hear eddie mumbling to himself you could only make out a few words but it sounded like an apology, You opened the door.

" y/n, princess, I'm so sorry I'm late, me and Wayne got to talking cause I had to drop the truck off and then once I realized the time I ran over and, shit! I forgot the movie! " you smiled and shook your head " it's okay Ed's, come on inside it's cold out here. " you said grabbing his hand leading him and in and shutting the door you turn around and look at him " so " he smiles and you smile then shake your head " we're not having this cutesie movie moment this isn't us " he smirked then grabbed you and pulled you close you put your arms around him and he put his hands and your cheeks lifting your head then he gave you kiss on the forehead you smiled

" i love you " eddie said resting his chin on your head " thank you " you replied " do you love me? " he asked " what do you think? " he look down at you and you took a deep breath " yes I love you, I'm just trying to get used to know this you. I know it's still you but I mean I thought you were dead. I was grieving you up until 2 days ago now I mean I never stopped loving you. " he nods " I get that " you smile and peck his cheek " come on let's go watch Alf " you said leading him into the living room and sitting on the couch " what's Alf? " he asks and smile " it's new, it's about this alien named Alf and he crashes into their garage and he then he lives with them its actually really funny " he smiled " doesn't sound very metal or scary but I'll watch it for you darling " he said and wrapped his arm around you pulling you and you both had your feet on the coffee table even if it did annoy your mother


After 3 more episodes and 4 shared ciggerettes you started to get tired so you yawned " I'm ready for bed" you say getting up " are you staying or going home? " he got up after you " I'll stay. I don't wanna walk home in the dark " you smiled " yay, That also means I get cuddles from my eddie bear" he smiled and followed you up the stairs " yes you can get cuddles "

You and eddie walked to your room You crawled in bed and eddie took off everything but his boxers and a pair of sweatpants out of his drawer of stuff in your dresser put them on and then got in bed next to and you cuddled up to him and he wrapped him arms around you " I want to stay like this forever " you say closing your eyes " me too princess, me too, "


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