Herobrine decides it's worth checking out. He closes the bathroom door, and opens the next door, and it is indeed Notch's bedroom. There's a huge, fancy bed against the wall, royal colors designed on the covers and pillows. Two nightstands, some dressers, and what appears to be a desk with some journals on it.

Herobrine steps over to the desk, picking up a book and opening it. It's Notchs notes, writing down the plans he has done and plans on doing. He flips towards the back, and finds notes on human reproduction, and how this will occur.

It says, humans will have to preform intercourse, the same way animals do in the world. Females will become pregnant with a fetus that carries genes from both human parents.

The act of sex, should be noted as pleasurable and...enjoyable.

Herobrine scoffs at these words. He's never felt that sort of desire. Poor females, being used to carry a fetus, regardless if the male stays or leaves afterwards...

Again, Notch's plans are flawed.

Herobrine closes the book, and returns it to its exact spot. That's when his eyes drift and land on a nightstand. There's slippers on that side of the bed so...that's gotta be the side Notch sleeps on. What would someone with as much power as Notch keep by his bedside? He wonders, and casually steps over to the nightstand.
He opens the top drawer, and much to his horror, he finds small bottles of lube, a box of wipes, and some sort of...device. It's blue, and has a dirty shape to it. One large piece, and one smaller piece as it divides. Herobrine can imagine what it's used for. It looks...uncomfortable, possibly painful. Who does Notch torture with such a thing? He questions, then drifts off to thoughts of him using it on a human.

He shutters at the thought, and somehow, feels quite warm all of a sudden. It's a sickening feeling, making his teeth grit against each other unconsciously.

Those thoughts are interrupted however, as Herobrine can hear obvious footsteps coming down the hall. Boots..Notch's boots. He'd recognize the sound anywhere.

Herobrine quickly closes the nightstand, creating a small noise.
He hurried to the bathroom door, enters the bathroom, and closes the door. He doesn't dare move once he's on the other side of the door. He instead listens, and realizes the footsteps have stopped. His eyes widen, and he heads to the door in the bathroom that leads to the hallway.
He still needed to find the working quarters, and delete the update and it's content. He opens the door slowly, assuming Notch had went into his bedroom. His heart stops, however, as the door gets caught on something.

He's looking down, and it's a boot.

His eyes peer up slightly, and the door is snatched open. Notch's dark blue eyes meet his white ones, and Herobrine wants to teleport away instantly. Notch however, would only teleport with him wherever he tried to flee to now that he's sensed his aura.
Though weaker, it was now noticeable. His aura was a bit different from a humans. Notch must've picked up on this, or found the fire too suspicious.

Either way, he's in trouble.

Notch: "Well well. What a surprise. Seems you've become quite ballsy, entering my kingdom and such."

Herobrine can feel his eye twitch at the mere sound of Notch's cocky voice.

Notch: "You've come to delete my next content, correct? I'm afraid, I somewhat suspected this ahead of time...there's several back-ups in various places. You'd never find them all anyways."

Herobrine peers up, the black hood making his white eyes really glow.

Herobrine: "Oh just shut up you pampered princess. You'll end up regretting this damn update. I mean really, humans breeding? Not only are you delusional, but you're also a fucking pervert."

Notch x HerobrineWhere stories live. Discover now