Hidden Secrets

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Achillean isn't the type to keep secrets. Especially from Ingressus. Achillean only keeps secrets from him because he knows how protective he is of him. Achillean's Secrets might get reviled whether he wants it to or not.

Ingressus's POV
It was mid-afternoon when I was walking around the fort. That's when I saw Achillean holding a small bag and making sure no one was watching him.

I went over to see where he came out from and saw it was that shop he would always go into. I went inside and went to talk to the clerk at the counter, "how can I help you sir?" he asked, "um hi well my friend Achillean came in here a frew seconds ago. What was he buying" I asked and he pulls out a receipt, "here you go" he says to me and I walk out.

I read the receipt. Happy Pills and Two Potions of Healing. 'Why would Achillean buy these?' I question as I went home and saw Achillean was already sleeping. Which I thought was weird.

I took the chance to see what these so-called Happy Pills are all about. I grab the bottle and read the description:
Known For helping those with Depression and known to help with certain sickness
Take Two A Day

After seeing this I can't believe Achillean has been hidding this from me, "so you found out" Achillean's voice said and I turn to see him staring at me, "why didn't you say anything" I ask as I sat next to him on the bed, "some things I like to keep private but this was ugh" Achillean buried his face in his hands and began to cry. I gave him a big hug, "Im her for you Achi. You don't need to lie to me" I say and he looks up at me.

"Alright. I've been so stressed lately with everything and everyone wanting me to figure something out. I promise so many people here that I'd find a way to stop Michel but now I don't know" Achillean said.

"And then there's you. You've been gone for Five Years and I thought I lost you" Achillean said trying to stop crying as he had been doing it for five minutes now,"Achillean I'm sorry that I've worried you all these years" Ingressus says as he held Achillean in his arms," I promise I'm not going anywhere" Ingressus said and Achillean smiled and fell asleep on Ingressus and he just let him do that.

"I promise I'll always be here" Ingressus spoke softly.

❤️ Always ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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