The Answer is... Cake?

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"Gotcha, Medal-Dealer Joe! Or should I say...Medal-Stealer Joe? You should have known I would find you! Now hand over my Dino Medals!"

"What, these medals here? They're mine, fair and square. I guess the only way to settle this is a Fossil Battle. Beat me, and I'll give them back to you!"

"Hear that, Legend? He's all yours! Get him! What? You can't possibly expect ME to fight! He's got all my good medals! Good luck!" She literally drags me over to him.

He has a Shanshan, a Goyo, and a Metria. Again, they're all level one! How does she expect to win?!

He's first. Rock Head on Spinax. Shan Fang on Spinax.

Spinax Fang on Goyo.

Rock Head, and Green Fang on Spinax.

Spinax Fang on Metria and she's down, and Veloci-Claw on Shanshan.

Shan Fang on V-Raptor.

Another Veloci-Claw. Shanshan's out.

Rock Head on V-Raptor.

Toxic Combo on Goyo winning the battle.

What did I tell her? I beat her in a battle... Well... her vivosaurs.

"You did it! You're amazing, Legend! Hmpf. I'll take my Dino Medals back now, you big creep!"

"Gosh DARNIT!!! You haven't seen the last of me! You'd better watch out, cause I'll get you again!" He runs off.

The police handcuff him.


"We couldn't have fought this their without you two. My sincerest thanks. Level-Up Battles are starting soon, by the way. I hope you're both planning to try for your next level. Anyway,thank you again. Over and out."

"Hear that? Level-Up Battles! And now I have my medals back! Level-Up Battles test your Fighter Level. If you pass, you can advance to the next level. And every time you get to s new level, you'll get access to a new dig site! Legend, you're going to sign up for your Level-Up Battle too, right? Let's root for each other! Thanks for helping me get my medals back! See ya!"


Fireworks go off for the start of the Level-Up Battle.

An announcer start speaking. "Your attention, please. Level-Up Battles will begin shortly. All participating Fighters should make their way to Fossil Stadium for registration."

I register, take my cleaning test, and pass. Time for a battle.

It is Wendy.

"You may know me as the Fossil Center receptionist, Wendy. But today, you can call me the Level one Master, and your opponent! I'll be testing you, Legend, to see if you're qualified to become a Level two Fighter. I won't be taking it easy on you, so give me everything you've got."

She has a Goyo, Shanshan and V-Raptor. She's up first.

Toxic Combo on Spinax.

Spinax Fang on V-Raptor.

Toxic Combo again.

Spinax Fang on Goyo. Veloci-Claw takes it out.

Shan Fang on V-Raptor.

Toxic Combo on Shanshan. For about the seventh time... ONE LP LEFT!!!

Toxic Combo on V-Raptor.

I do nothing.

Toxic Combo on V-Raptor taking her out.

Spinax Fang. The other V-Raptor's gone.

Shan Fang. Recoil damage takes Shanshan out. Ha!

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