The Start of a new Era

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"Don't worry, Legend, I'm sure Vivitsaur Island will be amazing!"

"Ugh, mom, it's not 'Vivit', its Vivo. Like Vivosaur." I say to my mom, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, Ledge, you know if you get into trouble, you can come right back." She says as I jump onto the boat.

"Don't worry mom, I won't." I reply as the boat starts moving.

"I'll miss you!"

"Right back at ya!"


I sit in the boat for a while thinking about my little sister, when the driver of the vehicle talks.

"As we near our destination, Vivosaur Island, please enjoy this informative video." The video starts.

"Vivosaur Island is an island resort run by the Richmond Foundation. The biggest attraction on Vivosaur Island is Fossil Stadium and the Fossil Battles that are fought there. Dinosaurs of the ancient past are revived with greater powers than ever and sent into battle! The power! The savagery! The drama! Thrilling in every way, every time! And for those who want to do more than just watch, training is available to become a Fossil Fighter! Fossil Fighters dig their own fossils, revive their own dinosaurs, and fight their own battles! If you've dreamed of rising through the Fighter ranks to become a Master Fighter, dream no longer. Yes, yes, YES! This is the start of an extravagantly exciting and fabulously fantastic adventure!" The video ends.

"Ha, ha. After that video, I'll bet you can hardly wait to get there." The captain starts. Wait, let me guess--you're on your way to the island to become a fossil fighter?" I nod after he said that. "Yeah, I've seen that twinkle in your eye before! But it says a lot about you, lad. It takes bravery to go all the way to Vivosaur Island on your own. I'm Captain Travers. What's your name, young man?"

"I'm Legend."

"So they call you Legend, eh? That's a great name! I can easily picture a famous Fossil Fighter named Legend. If you are out to become a Fossil Fighter, I imagine you're a big fan of dinosaurs, right?" He asks me some questions, so I told him I love the dinosaur tarbosaurus.

"I'll remember that. The tarbosaurus fan, Legend. Ah! Looks like we're about to arrive at Vivosaur Island." As he says that we dock.

I get off and stretch. "So long for now, Legend. I wish the best of luck." Travers says, and the boat pulls away.

"Welcome to Vivosaur Island, where the dinosaurs of ages past lie asleep as the ground." Someone says.

The person beside her steps up. "Yes welcome!"

The first person tells me that, "This is Vivosaur Harbor, Vivosaur Island's only point. New people arrive every day. Some are just fans of dinosaurs, but some are new Fossil Fighters in the making!"

"We work here as support staff for the Fossil Fighters."

"To become a Fossil Fighter, you'll need to visit the Fossil Center and talk to Dr. Diggins. To get to the Fossil Center... Just go right up this path, straight ahead."

Another voice comes into play. "Whew! So much to do. So much to do..." I give a questionable look and turn my head to see who is there.

"No that's not it... Hmmm... No, that's not it, ether... Hang on a tick... I've got it!" The girl with the blue shirt goes up to him.

"Excuse me, Dr. Diggins... May I assume you're here to take our newest recruit to the Fossil Center?"

"What?! Oh, a new recruit? Of course! Always happy to show a new Fighter the ropes! Let me just... Change schedule... What were we talking about? Never mind. I'll see you later. Whew. So much to do... So much to do..." Dr. Diggins says, walking off. Man what a warm welcome.

"*Sigh* That was the head of the Fossil Center, Dr. Diggins. Oh, and he'll be responsible for issuing your Fighter's License. Good luck with that..." One of the two girls says.

The other walks up. "Let's take a closer look at the Fossil Center, shall we?" We walk to the Center. "This is the Fossil Center. I'm always on duty at the waterfront, so if you have any questions, come ask anytime. Please, go on inside."

"Hey before that, what are your names?" I ask her motioning towards the other.

"Oh, I'm Sue, and she is Beth."

"Well, thanks. see you later."

I go inside and see a lady standing behind a desk.

"Welcome to the Fossil Center. Hi I'm Wendy! I take it you're here to register to become a Fossil Fighter? Dr. Diggins returned just a while ago but has unfortunately wandered off somewhere again. It could be a while before we find him. You might want to go over to the hotel and check in while you wait. The hotel... is just to the right of the Fossil Center. See you in a while." Wendy says and I leave waving.

(I'm referencing Peggy here but because it's how to move I'm taking her out)

I walk into the hotel.

The hotel manager walks towards me. "Welcome to the Relic Hotel, where we provide quality lodging for aspiring Fossil Fighters! We've been expecting you, Legend. Right this way, please." He walks me towards the right elevator.

"This elevator will take you to your room."

I go into the elevator with him to guide me to my room.

"Here is your room Legend." We go inside my room.

"You mush be tired from your long journey to Vivosaur Island. Have a nice day." The manager leaves.

I look around and see a paper on my bed.

Today's Vivosaur Tribune features an article titled "Rookie Fighters!" I take the paper off and lay down on the bed.

"Well I've already met some nice people," I start talking to myself, "So this is going to be a fun adventure!!!!!!!"

A Fossil Adventure! (A Fossil Fighters fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon