I'm Staying Here....

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Hahaha how did you enjoy the last chapter? Well ok enjoy this one.

TW: Manipulation, and Guilt Trip

Darius' POV:

I walked down the empty hallway with my Volociraptor plushie, it wasn't very big but for some reason I kept it near me.

"Hey Kid." Mr. Kon came up behind me, I smiled as he walked past me into his office. I didn't have much to do, so I decided to go into the Office that was practically mine at this point and look out the window. The raptors weren't out today which was weird, and boring.

"What should I do today...?" I asked myself, I sighed and layed upside down on the couch I was on.

"I might go to the MedBay." I suggested to myself, one of the dinosaurs got sick so I could watch over it. I think it was Little Eatie. I smiled at the thought and flipped myself off the couch. I walked out of the office, once I got to the elevator Kash came out of his office.

"Where are you going?" He asked, I turned around to him with a wide smile.

"I'm gonna go watch over the T-rex!" Kash huffed and shrugged.

"Ok have fun." I nodded and went into the elevator. Once I got to the T-rex I got an extra Tablet and sat down in front of her. Just occasionally telling her to calm down. I heard a bang from not far away and looked over to it. What the hell? That's when I saw a familiar face, wait is that....

Ben's POV:

I woke up like usual to hear people chatting outside. I rubbed my eyes and walked out of the waterfall.

"Mornin!" Sammy said once she noticed me, I responded with a tired smile. Mae patted next to her for me to sit down. I sat next to her and put my head on her shoulder.

"We need a plan." Brooklyn said, I nodded I'm agreement.

"We should first go to the MedBay for food we're running out." Yaz suggested, everyone agreed. We walked through the forest in silence passing a sad Big Eatie. They took Little Eatie in because she was sick, and now Little Eatie is struggling a bit. We arrived at the MedBay, and heard Little, and another Dinosaur?

"Is there another T-rex?" Sammy asked, everyone shrugged. I saw a familiar hair color and started walking over to the person. I knocked over something on accident.

"Shit..." I wispered, I looked back up to see Darius staring back at me. I smiled on the verge on tears.

"Darius?" I asked with a shaky voice, Darius stood up leaving the tablet on the ground. He walked over to all of us just staring.

"D!" I heard Brooke say, I saw Darius smile but it faded quickly.

"Darius?" We all saw Mr. Kon behind him. Darius tensed up as Mr. Kon walked over to him putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Can I go with them..?" Darius hesitantly asked, Mr. Kon put on a pouty face.

"Does nothing I've done matter to you? I've given you so much freedom and I've been so nice, plus they left you... remember?" Darius looked at the ground, his fingers forming a fist. He backed away from us.

"I'm staying here you shouldn't have left me here."

"No, Darius we didn't leave you we-" I was cut off.

"Yes you did! Maybe think next time you wanna play the victim." He snarled, he glanced back at us and sighed.

"Go away and leave me alone." Mr. Kon just smiled at us while Darius went back to little Eatie. I glanced at the others, they all were slowly backing away.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered while running off with the others. Did he really just do that? We arrived back at the waterfall, I could tell Kenji was already pissed off.

"I told you Ben!" He snapped, I stood up straight ready to defend Darius with everything and anything.

"It's not his fault!" I snapped back, Kenji laughed a little.

"Well he seemed to just push us away back there, how are you STILL on his side Ben!?" He yelled, I looked at the ground furious. I promised I would get him out of there, and I'm keeping it.

"I told him I would get him out and I'm keeping that promise unlike you!"

"Oh you little bitch!" He punched me across the face, Brooklyn stopped him from doing anymore. I stumbled off my feet with a bloody nose. Mae ran over to me and treated my nose. What an asshole, what is his fucking problem? He seems not to even care about Darius.

Darius' POV:

I felt tears roll down my face as I sat down and grabbed the tablet. Why was I sad over this? They left me, Mr. Kon was nicer and actually cared about me. I don't know why but I wanted to hug Ben when I saw him, but I didn't. Why am I crying over this?

"You made the right choice." Mr. Kon said walking back to the elevator. I smiled at the fact I didn't fail or disappoint him, but I felt like I still failed someone. Who? I shook the feeling off and continued to watch over Little Eatie, casually zoning out thinking about what just happened.

I went back to my room, Mr. Kon stopped me I'm the hallway.

"Get some rest we have plans this week." He's said, I nodded and continued to walk to my bedroom.

"And don't fail me." He said once more.

"I won't." I responded and then opened my door to go into my room. I threw my Volociraptor plushie on my bed. That night I kept thinking about Ben, my stomach got all twisted, and I thought it was pathetic. The fact I had a soft spot for someone who betrayed me was ridiculous. Even if I ever forgave them Mr. Kon wouldn't be happy and he's done so much for me, I don't want to fail him.

I don't know what to say i just hope you enjoyed lol

Word Count: 1028

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