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Melissa's POV 

Today we are going to raid the silencers secret hideout and I won't lie I am fucking scared. This can go 2 different ways but I've been trying to think of the positives. All morning we have been preparing so not so many people get back with them including me. I've been running round the bar helping people out ignoring my feelings to distract me. 

Toni- Mel

Melissa- Yeah 

Toni- Here

Melissa- Thanks. Where Jordan I need to

Dom- Hey 

Melissa- What

Dom- Relax your going to be okay

Melissa- I know no I don't god I can't think straight 

Toni- Its going to be okay just breathe

Fp- Are we ready to go 

Melissa- Uh yeah lets go 

I have been shaking all morning and I got to my bike starting it up. Dom was riding with me and after I went everyone followed me. Ash and Daniel drove by me since they were the ones that always are. We parked a good distance away from the building and we snuck past the people watching around the entire building. 

Dom- Whats the game plan

Melissa- Alright keep it down. We go in there get Noella and Izzy. If you run in with anyone else get them out as well. They are outnumbered with us 

Sweet Pea- And if they grab you 

Melissa- Then come up with something last minute to get all of us out of there in one piece. Anything can happen so everyone watch your backs. Remember the laws and don't leave anyone behind god it

Serpents- Yes

Melissa- Lets go 

We snuck in and my heart dropped when I walked in. The same smell consumed me and I felt a hand on my back. I looked to see Daniel giving me a thumbs up. I ran with Dom and Daniel around to find the girls. I guess some other serpents trailed with us and I heard muffled crying. We looked around and I picked the lock. It looked like some little girl and I looked back at them. When I grabbed her she seemed scared but I gave her that loving touch. I took out her lenses and she saw we were to help. I took the plate off her and stopped the bleeding. 

Little girl- Are you getting me out of here

Melissa- Yes but you have to keep quiet okay 

Little girl- Are you a Southside serpent 

Melissa- Yes but don't worry about us okay we are here to help. Now do you know anyone by the name Izzy and Noella

Little girl- yes down the hall

Melissa- Alright come with us okay 

We ran down the hall and I heard Izzy crying. I heard fighting in the distance only telling me they caught us and an alarm when off. 

Dom- What the hell

Melissa- No need to be quiet now 

I kicked the door down and it startled them. 

Daniel- Its okay 

Melissa- Izzy hey its okay its me. Can you stay still for me real quick. Thats it. Okay this will hurt a bit. Can you see us okay

Izzy- yeah

Melissa- Okay your dad is here but stick with me until we get to them 

Serpent- Melissa we have to go they are coming this way 

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