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Melissa's POV 

After the 2 days of the festival we decided to explore Dom's home town. We left the house at 10 and we went to this coffee shop. We stayed there for a good while because it was a cute place. 

Dom- So we were going to walk around 

Melissa- I'll be fine Dom plus sitting is killing me 

Dom- You sure 

Melissa- Yes just because I have a cast on doesn't mean it should ruin the trip 

Dom- Alright should we head now

Melissa- Yeah sure 

We threw our stuff away and we wondered around the town. Halfway through the walk I was getting pretty tired but I wasn't saying anything because I don't want to cause issues. 

Dom- You sure you are okay 

Melissa- Yeah why wouldn't I be 

Dom- Well you sound like you have no air

Melissa- Shut up 

Dom- We are at the car we still have that wheelchair 

Melissa- No 

Daniel- Yes 

Melissa- What 

Daniel- Hi 

Melissa- Okay fine 

Daniel- Told you 

I flipped him off and he got it out. I just looked at them until I was pushed into the chair. 

Ash- Mom your a bit dramatic about it

Melissa- Yeah well you children try it 

Ash- Nope I'm good 

Dom- Same

Daniel- Right with ya 

Grace- With them 

Jade- Oh come on try to be in her shoes

Dom- I was 

Jade- What 

Dom- I broke my foot before 

Melissa- And still jumped up it 

Dom- So did you 

Melissa- I stayed off mine hey at least its not my fucking knee

Daniel- Alright lets keep going 

Daniel pushed me and we continued. After an hour we headed to the little urgent care because I was okay to get my cast off but then we would have to switch to a boot but I'm fine with that. When I got the boot I was relieved and then we started talking about lunch. 

Dom- So there isn't really any place that has vegan options so what do you want to do 

Melissa- Am I allowed to make requests to take things off

Dom- I mean yeah 

Melissa- Then we will be okay 

Dom- Alright its a drive 

Melissa- Okay 

We headed back to the car and Dom drove us to the restaurant. After we got there some fans caught us before we got inside. Everyone gave us a minute to talk with them before we headed in. We talked with them for a good 5 minutes until Daniel told me we had to go in now. 

Dom- Well we are going to go in and eat 

Melissa- It was nice meeting you both 

Fan- You too 

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