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Melissa's POV 

It's been a week since we had the talk with the girls about the kink community and since both of them have looking at the contract to take it in. Me and Daniel are just waiting for Grace to sign it. We are giving them the time they need because I took me a minute as well to sign. Today its going to be my first party after so long and I'm excited to go back because even its uptight having that freedom again is exciting to me. 

Ash- Hey mom 

Melissa- Hey baby 

Ash- What are you cheery about 

Melissa- What am I allowed not to 

Ash- No your just a little happy more than usual 

Melissa- Well I will being doing something I haven't done since before I started my singing career 

Ash- That long 

Melissa- Yep 

Ash- Can I ask 

Melissa- You know's party's that grandma and grandpa have

Ash- Yeah I never came down or was seen at them 

Melissa- They are BDSM parties

Ash- Okay that makes since for specific things. I'm not going to mention but I'm going to Pop's for breakfast with Grace 

Melissa- Any specific reason 

Ash- No......well......no stop it I know what your doing 

Melissa- What me doing something I'm just standing here. Be safe

Ash- I will love you 

Melissa- I love you too 

She walked out and Daniel grabbed me from behind. He managed to kiss my cheek and he pulled me to couch. 

Daniel- So about tonight

Melissa- Is it not happening

Daniel- It still is my parents wouldn't do that to you. All I was going to say was everyone is going to talk to you 

Melissa- Well I sorta vanished and last time I was there I had just gotten into the crash and it was a very very last minute decision 

Daniel- I know you walked in when it was happening and you left before anyone noticed you 

Melissa- Yep I did this time not gonna happen this time and I have the dress for it

Daniel- What color 

Melissa- Simple black, just one of my red carpet dresses

Daniel- You wore a lot

Melissa- I know. Hey oh and hello 

Caddie- Hi 

Ash- Here you go

Melissa- What are you handing me 

Ash- What

Melissa- Your handing me your hand 

Ash- Oh sorry here

Melissa- We will get a copy of this and then give it back

Grace- Okay 

Jason- Come on go get dressed so we can go 

Melissa- Where

Caddie- You've forgotten already

Melissa- I'm joking just give me a few 

I got up and got into easy clothes. I grabbed my outfit for later and I went to say bye to Daniel. 

Ash- Where you running off to 

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