All In A Day's Work Pt.2

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(AN: Today's chapter is gonna be in Arlo's point of view, and hopefully stay there! (Any writing tips are also appreciated))

As Arlo woke up from this morning in his room, he sighed. Everything felt normal, as always. The same thing over and over again, really. A feeling of security over his position as King. No one could possibly touch him and steal it away.

It was the one thing he was proud of. Other than being a high-tier, of course. Who wouldn't be?

But enough of that. For now.

Getting himself dressed in a short time, Arlo combed his hair to a reasonable amount (aka so he didn't look like he literally rolled out of bed and went with it), and simply left his dorm after turning the lights off.

What a wonderful start to your day.

∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒Timeskip∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒

It was normal. Everyday was just the same old day of surveillance. Making sure no one was out of line (in his eyes), the students still held the same level of respect for the royals and he and so on. It was a usual day.

...that is until he saw a particular someone out of the normal.

The way his hair was done, and not in the normal overly gelled style practically everyone was used to seeing.

The way his uniform was incomplete, how the tie was looser than normal and the vest was gone.

The way he held and continously showed off what looked like a gold chained pocket watch to practically his only friend, the Ace of Wellston, and anyone who bothered asking.

...Arlo didn't like how long he was staring, nor did he notice it until someone began to speak to him.

"Someone catch your eye?" A teal-haired girl asked, walking up from behind him. Her uniform was the same as any other girls, but without the vest. She sounded smug.

"That's none of your concern, Cecile." The boy answered, quickly regaining his composure.

"Oh really, now? Didn't take you to be the type to lie."

Oh, you poor girl. Their perception of their King, a hard ruler that told the truth no matter what...

God knows how fast that would all come crashing down on them.


"I'm not." Arlo answered, rolling his eyes. "Anyhow, you're aware of your usual duties. Give me what you know."

"It's the same everyday, you know that. Low-tiers being steered to their rightful place, the royals are well respected as always, you know the drill." Cecile answered, crossing her arms.

"That's all I need. Get to class."

The girl rolled her eyes. "Of course."
҉  ҉  ✼ Time Skip 2✼  ҉  ҉

It was lunch now, and the battles for a slice of the triple layered cake were as intense as ever. Arlo knew he wouldn't get a chance at one, and didn't feel the need to for that matter. He was going to save his energy for something important, like turf wars.

Besides, there was literally nothing left but crumbs on the platform. It was a bit scary, to be honest. He was like that as well, so there's no place for him to judge in that factor.

But throughout those 45 minutes, the King kept hearing people complain and whine about some boy holding up the line for 15 minutes just so he could fine the 'perfect slices'. He scoffed at the thought of someone being that petty to make others suffer like that over food. It was amusing to think about.

But as time passed, and classes began to start up again for the next half of the afternoon, Arlo began to feel that something small, something insignificant was off. And that messed with his head. He couldn't figure out what, but there was definitely something off about the day now.

And then he found a slice of triple layered cake on his desk with a note that read:

Your friendly neighborhood cripple. o(^o^)o

This was going to fuck with him for the rest of the week.

(AN: I only said Arlo's name exactly 5 times because I hate him and he deserves nothing
But anyways! Hope yall enjoy, and PLEASE get me to at least 3 followers I'm on my knees 🙏)

As A Result of Spite (John x Arlo)Where stories live. Discover now