I must of been standing there doing nothing for a few kilicks now, "sorry my lord" I play a recording of Knockout our C.M.O, Knockout is quite a vain type caring excessively about his scarlet finish and always overreacts when he gets it scratched, he is constantly preening over it making sure it is 'just so' with buffing it out and repainting the microscopic blemishes that are apparently there, "Reason: just thinking" I say using my secondarily vocaliser making my voice seem monotonal and flat.

"That's fine Soundwave, did you hear anything of what I said" Megatron asks putting his servos behind his back struts.

I shake my helm, even though I can use my recording that I have stored up over the thousands of vorns or my secondarily vocaliser I prefer to stay silent, devoid of emotions, never speaking, ever loyal to the Decepticon cause.

"Of course you didn't" Megatron grins, he is never in a good mood like this. Today must be a really good day, "as I was saying -before you decided to tune out-" Megatron adds dryly before continuing, "you have the rest of the day off, I noticed that you didn't get any recharge last night."

I nod in agreement.

"It is brilliant that you have devoted yourself to the Decepticon's, but I need all of my troops in the best possible shape and that means getting a normal amount of recharge" Megatron finishes before getting a com from a vedicon about how they 'need help on the bridge'.

"So, yes, that will be all" Megatron says and walks out of the main command unit.

That was strange, Megatron usually never bothers about the amount of recharge I have, must have been a really good day, but I push the thought aside.

Strange day, boss?  Laserbeak chirps through our bond shifting ever so slightly on my chassis.

I don't reply as I start to walk out of the room but using my servo I do pat my symbiont ever lightly, I walk through the dark hallways towards my berthroom, I soon as I get to my berthroom I go in and sit down on my berth.

I eject Laserbeak from my chassis, he floats down onto the small nest that's he recharges in, might be a good idea to get some recharge, like Megatron said Laserbeak prompts.

I nod wordlessly and lie down onto my berth and close my optic's.

A flashback comes into my mind.

I was lying down, defeated, mere inches away from Megatronus' sword that would end my life, I transformed my visor away from my faceplate so I could stare my opponent, I didn't know what Megatronus was waiting for, "I guess luck doesn't always help" I chocked, energon coming out of my intake, my right servo was resting on a wound on my tank, it wasn't just a mesh wound as well.

"I....." Megatronus hesitated before he narrowed his optic's and raised his sword above, I closed my optic's and waited for the impact that would end my life.

But it didn't come.

I opened my optic's ever so slightly to see Megatronus offering his servo for me. What the frag was going on. What could of possibly made Megatronus stop, and not kill me? Megatronus never backed down from fight. The whole arena was in shock, you could of heard a pin drop.

I hesitantly took his out offered servo and Megatronus pulled me off the floor, I tried not to gasp in pain as the wound on my tank was really severe. My legs trembled in exhaustion, the battle had been long and hard and almost all my systems were damaged. I new my visor was cracked so I could hardly see out of it, but it was transformed away anyway.

Then Megatronus' voice spoke up, "I refuse to offline him" he said it clearly so everybody in the arena heard what Megatronus wanted to say, "we are not toy's to watch for your amusement, we are Cybertronian's just like you. Just because we are of a lower caste doesn't mean we have to fight for you entertainment. I refuse to offline a mech who fought to be here, and for me just to end it in one match."

I was speechless, Megatronus was speaking up for me, refusing to offline me, wanting to to keep me online, not offlining me and getting the glory of killing the second in the Pit's of Kaon.

"We live for hope, without it we are nothing, we hope for change, but I'm not going to wait around for it, I'm going to fight for it" Megatronus' words spoke out, and I knew I would follow him to the end of the Universe, because this was a mech worth fighting for.

The flashback ends with a sudden jolt, my venting hard and erratic, my whole frame is shaking because of the memory flux, Megatron is a mech who has changed over the eons that I have worked beside him, though even now I can still see glimpses of Megatron's past self shining through the evil warlord that he was become.

I will always fight by his side no matter what would happen, I wonder if I will ever grow close to my lord like I was once all those years ago,

Well live for hope, without it we are nothing, we hope for change, but I'm not going to wait around for it, I'm going to fight for it.

I still don't know why Megatronus decided to keep me alive, but I know one thing one of these day's I'm going to find out.

Soundwave x Megatron |The past haunts us|Where stories live. Discover now