Part 8. Throne room

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Standing just behind Cassian and Azreil before walking into the throne room they both tapped their siphons and their full scaled black armor crawled over their bodies. I had already magiced into my finest black. I wondered, more to distract myself, if Feyre would be surprised to see them in full armor with all seven siphons...the most ever used before either of them was 3... no living Illyrian has more than two, save for them, and Their stones on their hands and chests are far larger than what anyone would have thought could ever be used . The chest stones in fact were mined and honed for them specifically as they reached maturity... when even 6 large stones proved not to be enough.  I wondered if Ferye would fear the armored General and spymaster ... or  would she still see just my brothers, her friends.  Cassian clapped his arm over my shoulder and brought his lips close to my ear.
"One hour... less if Az is fast. She won't see enough to frighten her. " he whispered and nodded at Az who rested his hand on my other shoulder before they both assumed their masks walking forward into the open door.  I followed them . my damper loosened more than usual even for hewn city. The ilk of my court before me.  I felt my stomach fall to my toes  knowing the plan.  Now that I'm here everything is screaming how much I don't want Ferye here, she's just starting not to see the monster and now I'm scared beyond death she will fall back to where she was weeks, or months ago.  I dared one fleeting glance to her wondering what she saw, what moment would be too much, when I would crush any glimmer of hope I may have at not being a monster.  Her stare was wide and unreadable as everyone including my inner circle nelt.  I felt that familiar pang at seeing Mor , a queen of light on her knees , Cass and Az who this court would rather see in the dirt bowed with them, but Ferye, my mate kneeling, shook something in my heart, it felt wrong. Mate and equal in every way... it made me cringe. As stopped before her and beckoned her rise before the court.
" Welcome to my home Ferye Cursebreaker. " I said as the court still bowed. "Come with me."  My heart gutted out in my chest, Play with me Ferye I sent down the bond, but I couldn't tell if it was received . I took my throne and placed her on my Lap. Now the game starts. The worst display of my wickedness  I would ever do... making my mate play the role that gave me nightmares. whore. Today Ferye would play my whore... The cost felt too great , not just my city but to make my love to play this part.  I needed to focus. I ran my hands over her Thigh starting the game... I felt her flinch but the prickled skin at my fingers answered me before I could panic. My hands were cold... they always were after flying. I warmed them with my  power, making them almost uncomfortably warm for me just to make it more comfortable for her.  I gave her an apologetic stroke with my thumb.
" Try not to let it go to your head. That every Male in here is contemplating what they would be willing to give up in order to get that pretty  red mouth of yours on them." I said to her, This is where the game truly started ... bating my court into making them think they could have her when I was bored.  She turned and flashed a smile to my nightmare court... it was a forced smile, nothing genuine, but it still gutted me that she could fake a smile for them when she would never smile for me ,faked or not.  She relaxed into me.
"Rise"  I declared to my court as I drew a knuckle on her thigh. Her skin was warm, soft, sensuous making my mind hazy with lust. I felt the ebony night of bond shimmering and whispering to every male part of me to claim her.
"Go play." I told my court. "Keir'' .... "Reports "... I needed to play my part, not get lost in my desire for Ferye.  I was halfway between my mask of high lord and lust for Ferye, barely keeping both leashes tethered to any reality. I only hoped I managed to nod appropriately to Keir to maintain the distraction. I was dizzy in my strokes... my entire mind was frenzied and drunk off the feel of her skin.   Fuming at Keir ramblings and musings at our show. I knew we made the right call , picked the right distraction... I knew this was a game... but everything from my mind, heart, body, bond ached for her.

"Get her some Wine." I commanded Keir. Solely for his insulting tone of her... I couldn't expose my rage , but I could remove him from my site long enough to keep it leashed.

I felt her soft night curl next to my shield.
"What" I growled to hide my lust addled mind into the antechamber I opened for her.
" You are good, Rhys, you are kind. This mask does not scare me. I see you beneath it." She said as I felt the bond swirling in a symphony just beyond my shield. Her voice curled along the other .  I gripped her tighter in my hands. I had to remind myself she was real. I kissed her cheek before I realized what I done... she opened to me I felt her plea before she said it .

I growled in approval and slid my fingers closer to her breast asking begging for more... I didn't realize I had forgotten this was a slight of hand, a game ... till echos of thoughts slipped the lock she had on the bond...

"Whore, traitor, liar"  whispered into the bond. She was trying to shut out the part of her that accidentally shouted down the bond, but I still heard the echoes of what she tried to block.... I felt her heat up and knew she was losing the grip on her emotions. She was hating herself like when she burned through the pads in Cassian's hands.  We were about to lose the game....

" if you become a living candle poor keir will throw a hissy fit and you will ruin the party for everyone ." I felt the simmering heat roll off her. She relaxed into me the strain of this game evident.  I shifted hoping she wouldn't feel how hard I was, giving away that it wasn't just a game for me... that I wanted her... not as my whore but as my whole world... I clamped down on my mask at night.

"More more more..." I felt down the bond, as I skimmed down the underside of her breast. Then she looked to keir.  We had forgotten about the wine. Keir's expression was burning... he was disgusted. But his cool mask of disbelief at what I made him do. My thoughts was she must be misreading his expression .... She must think he's on to us... I knew him well, and spoke to her mind to quell her fears.

" I think he's so disgusted that he might have given us the orb just to get out of here."  I said to calm her into her mind.

" you and I put on a good show." She crooned into my mind, her voice thick with desire that didn't belong to the Ferye I knew ... then she ground against my length and I lost my senses again.  I felt her lick my neck and forgot we were playing a game, I was so turned on by this woman my hand glided over her skin, claiming her.  Her wetness glazed my fingers and the bond sang in my mind but then I felt her subtly recoiling . The game... it's a game, finally filled my head and I snapped down my powers around my lust so much it hurt.
" It's fine, it means nothing." I hoped to calm her. But the hurt I felt at that ...nothing... I told her I was nothing.
" because you're so irresistible?" She tried to cover but it had the same echo of the words "whore traitor, Liar" I couldn't keep her in this game any longer , I sent a tendril of my night to find Az , warn him the gig is up... but it whipped back to me as mecerfully Az appeared , thank the mother.

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