Pt 7. The flight to hewn city

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Holding Ferye today felt prickly... I normally loved and was driven out of my mind with longing for even the barest brush of her skin on mine but knowing what I had asked of her today... I felt monstrous. I tried to keep my distance this morning at the house and even now with her in my arms.  I almost didn't hear Ferye when she spoke.

"Armen and Mor told me that the span of an Illyrian males wings say a lot about the size of ... other parts. "  I felt a laugh rumble in my chest but it didn't escape as I scanned her face .  It was certainly not the first time I'd heard that popular bit of gossip , I wanted to roll my eyes at Mor and Armen acting like teenage females.

"Did they now, I asked." The monster fading into our familiar banter.

" They also said Azriels wings are the biggest." Looking into her eyes they sparkled with delight. If she would only just smile I thought.  she glanced to where Az was merely a speck in the sky... Cassian would be Howling and caldron knows what else would be spewing from his filthy mouth if he knew the subject of our conversation.

"When we return home, let's get out the measuring stick, shall we." I said to her as I thought of all the ways I was going to Kill two females when I saw them again... Az having the Biggest wings on my ass an every bit of male bravado took over my thoughts as Ferye pinched my arm...I tucked in my wings allowing us to free fall... so that I could show off my more than impressive wingspan. Ferye screamed and clutched my neck, almost choking me and missed me showing off my impressive wingspan for her as I caught the wind to let us drift.  I noted Az shifting his easy flight to see what caused Ferye to scream like that ... I could count on one of his shadows being nearby so I told Ferye and the busybody up ahead.

" You're willing to brave my brand of darkness, and put up one of your own. Willing to go to a watery grave, and take on the weaver,  but a little free fall makes you scream." I rumbled ... rufflering my wings now that her eyes were on me.

" I'll leave you to rot next time you have a nightmare." She hissed, her eyes more playful than I'd ever seen them, so I played along.

" no you won't, you liked seeing me naked too much."  Which didn't come out with the swagger I wanted , a touch of the desperation I felt for her had creeped in. I threw my wings out wide as we hit another updraft.  We were getting close to the city the swirling winds around the mountain picking up when suddenly I felt the slightest caresses of her finger on curved tendon of wing... caldron what it felt like to have her touch my wing my eyes rolled back in my head involuntarily and we were high in the air, mother above what that would feel like on the ground... then she touched the infinity more sensitive membrane of my wing and I had to reorganize everything in my brain just to remember what my name was and how to keep flying.

" That is very sensitive.  I said 'Though clamped teeth, still trying to reorganize my thoughts enough to keep us in the air, not to mention the uncomfortable tightness now in my pants.  When I looked down her eyes danced with innocent curiosity, and a hint of a smile behind her eyes even if her mouth didn't twitch. I felt her in the bond, in a way I'd never felt before and didn't have words for what I felt like to feel her ... happy... was she Happy?

"Does it tickle?" She asked, dragging me  out of my thoughts and back to her. A wicked idea danced before me. "It feels like this." As I blew the softest air into the shell of her ear daring to brush the barest feather of a touch of my lips to her skin.  She arched her back in response and my cock danced even in its confinement.  I saw Az flick into the edge of my vision and realized she had little understanding of Illyrian culture .Though her innocent curiosity had caused elation in me, that would not be the case for other Illyrians. Cassian likely wouldn't care if she touched his wings playfully or otherwise given that she was a female ... he often jabbed  Mor or even me with them when he was jovial or mischievous, Az would be polite enough not to say anything or react badly but it would make him very uncomfortable.

"If you want an Illyrian male's attention, you'd be better off grabbing him by the balls. We're trained to protect our wings at all costs. Some males attack first, ask questions later, if their wings are touched without invitation." I said in warning to be careful around other Illyrian males when she blurted out.

"And during sex?" She asked ... I had to suppress the images of her touching my wings in such a way just to keep myself  from shooting out of the sky ,  and laying her down in the snow ...

"During sex, an Illyrian male can find completion just by having someone touch his wings in the right spot." I said flatly.

. "Have you found that to be true?" She asked almost before I had finished .  Was she really wanting to know for herself.... Could I dare to let myself think like that...

. "I've never allowed anyone to see or touch my wings during sex. It makes you vulnerable in a way that I'm not ... comfortable with."  One of the deepest truths I'd ever given of myself. it was at  the core of who I was . I was born half way between two worlds... the high lord son who would be a prize conquest,  stud or sire for any female. But also Illyrian. They were detested and thought expendable in night court... and far , far worse outside it.  I loved my Wings, the sky, being Illyrian... my wings... My love of the sky... I always felt like it was my first and truest love... no love could compare. Long before under the mountain I also kept my wings to myself always to have one part of me that was left unexplored if I was to mate or marry. I thought my Wings I would save as a gift for that one true love...only the one that could be equal to my love of the sky, but under the mountain ... it became the one thing she couldn't have peice of me she could not rape ...she could use my body...but she could never touched my wings. I almost missed Ferye hushed . " Too bad."

"Why? " I chuckled at her disappointment written on her face.

" Because I bet you could get in some interesting positions with those wings." She said fighting the smile curling on her lips... I barked in my own genuine unrestrained laughter and leaned in to whisper some facts about those positions when  unnatural movement cascaded into my vision . I blasted forward the soft shield I had around Ferye to keep her warm and it was just enough to alter the projectile path into my hand and as I gripped it it burned... ash... someone is shooting ash Arrows at my mate. And I exploded in anger.

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