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     It was Monday, August 8, Amy's and Philip's last week in Muskoka. We couldn't believe how time just flew by (Sara and Jamie were leaving the following week). Since Amy was leaving on Wednesday and Philip on Friday, we wanted to spend at least one more day all together before they left. But we wondered what we could do. How could we make the most of this last summer day we'd be spending together, before we had to get back to reality? I'm sure you guessed it by now. We decided to make one more trip back to 1882. This time we, we wanted to do something different from the last time, instead of just walking around.

"The last time we went to 1882, I noticed a dance hall while we were walking around. What do you guys think about checking it out?"

As Sara gave us her idea, I thought to myself — 'A dance hall? Sara wanted us to go dancing? In 1882? None of us knew how to dance to their music! But then again, just being there would still be a neat experience.'

By this time, we felt like we had become professionals at this time-travelling thing. We stopped at our usual location, I pulled out the pin and turned it, just like I did each time before. By now, I could have done it with my eyes closed, but I wanted to watch the alley appear each time. I never got bored of seeing it. Once we walked through the alley Sara led us to the dance hall she saw. I could tell she was pretty excited to go check it out. She really likes dancing! I'm not much of a dancer, so I wasn't looking to dance, but I was still interested to go in and see how they had fun back then. There were quite a few people already there, even though it was during the afternoon. From the music to the dancing, and even the way it was all organised and decorated, it was all so different (I feel like I should mention that I had never been to a club, but I did watch movies where the characters went to clubs, so I had an idea of how they were). They had a live band playing, which made it even better. I've heard the vinyl recordings of music from that era, that were played on Phonographs at the time, but it was something else to hear it live and in person! It also all felt sophisticated. I do like listening to older music, even from this time period, but I'm sure that's no surprise since I love pretty much all things vintage.

"Guys, isn't this amazing?" Sara was very happy she suggested to go, and I was happy we agreed, although, I don't know if the guys enjoyed it as much as we did. "Philip, Jamie, I don't think you two are enjoying it here."

"No, it's not that... it's just...", Jamie started to answer her, "this isn't really my kind of music."

"Yeah, same for me.", Philip let us know. "But it's still cool. I mean, we're in an 1880s club!"

"Right! And I mean, at least you girls are having fun."

We were. We really were! Even if I was sitting for most of the time. As we sat at our table, I noticed a young gentleman approach our table. I think he was probably about 20 years old.

"Hello there. I have never seen you all around here before. Might you be new to the area?"

He was very handsome, especially with that old British accent they all spoke with at the time.

"Hello. Yes... Well, actually..." Why did I find it so hard to speak to him? Yeah, he was REALLY cute, but it's not like I was going to see him again! Luckily Amy saved me from any embarrassment.

"We are travelling and are passing through here. I'm Amy, and this is Clara, Philip, Jamie, and Sara."

"Well, welcome to our lovely town. I'm William Baker and it's very lovely to meet you all."

"It's lovely to meet you as well." Thankfully Amy was well-versed in this era and knew how to talk to others and respond so that it wouldn't raise suspicion. That's why this time, we let her do all the talking.

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