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Jan 26 2005: There is a memorial for all the dead people today, Many are crying as they set flowers and different other memories of them on their grave. Wendy sits on a bench, mourning her friends deaths, mostly her boyfriend.

Kevin and this one girl come up to her. "Hey, you alright?" The girl asks. Wendy doesn't respond. Kevin give her a hug trying to comfort her.  Ashlyn and Ashley came up to Wendy. 

"Hi Wendy, So we know you lost your friends and.. you probably don't have any more friends so.." Ashley said "We'll be your friend" Ashlyn continued.

Wendy just didn't care, she told hem sure and they both walked away pretty happy, "We should go the tanning salon after this" Ashlyn said "Yeaa" Ashley agreed as they both walk off. In a distance, Erin is seen dropping her rose on One of the victims funeral. She then laid her head on Ian's shoulder. Ian patted her back lightly as they both looked at the grave.

Meanwhile, With Ashlyn and Ashley, They had made it to the salon, Ashley drinking a red drink from Cool Bear "Mm.. Cherry" She said as both of them giggle. She rings the bell a couple of times, No answer, She repeatedly rings the bell before giving up, She went to the desk and grabbed the tanning salon key before walking to the tanning beds room, The man who was supposed to answer them came inside, No one was there. The man then shrugged and continued what he was doing but before that he put a container of sunscreen on the door for a door holder.

The girls get in the room and remove their clothes, Ashlyn turns the heat to 78 degrees. They both went in the bed while Ashley sets her drink on the table and changes the music. They both start their tanning process while jamming to music playing. Some minutes later Ashlyn starts to feel hot. Outside, the sunscreen had popped open squirting lotion and slowly locking the man out of his work place.

"I think it's getting hot in here" Ashlyn says kind of worried as she tries to get out of the tanning bed . "I think I fucked up I turned it too high" Ashlyn said. "WHAT?" Ashley asks, she cant hear her. Ashlyn rolls her eyes before coming out. Outside, the sunscreen had finished and fully shut the door, causing a loud thud. The man heard it and panicked, he was definitely going to get fired. Mean while, It was time, The shelf started to shake, send it flying to Ashlyn as it knocks her out, Then going into Ashley's tanning bed and locking her in. Ashley starts to feel hot too as she tries to get out, she cant.

It's starting to get more hot as she starts screaming, It was burning her. The glass on top of her explodes as all the glass hits her face.

Ashlyn wakes up from her trance as she hear screaming, she quickly stands up to see Ashly getting burned, she tries to get the wood off but it was hard. She grabbed her leg trying to pull her out. Ashley's drink spilled onto the wires that control the tanning bed, electrocuting them both. Ashlyn fell on the ground as Ashley burned to death.

The man who was supposed to help them finally made it in as he ran into the tanning room, There they were, two dead bodies. He went closer  to see  if they might be alive, to his surprise, Ashlyn was shaking, the electrocution didn't kill her, she's still alive. He quickly grabbed his phone to call 911. Ashlyn looked at the man and reached her hand out, asking for help. "Don't worry I'm gonna get you out" The man said worried. "911? Hello Two girls in my shop  were injured, One is.. dead and the other is-" The man was about to tell them Ashlyn was alive when another shelf fell. This time, it's side hits Ashlyn's neck,  breaking it. She went paralyzed and got decapitated by it. The man was shocked and scared, He laid his back on the wall. "Dead..." He said before dropping the phone and shouting. 

In the distance is the police on he phone. "Where are you, Are you okay sir?" and other questions.

Now let's g back in time; Before the two girls died: Wendy sat on her computer, Kevin next to her and the girl who had  hugged her last time on her other side. " They are really nice pictures" The girl says, eating a fruit. "Yea" Kevin sighs as he looks at Wendy. " So... are you a magician now or something? Like you can see how people die?" Kevin jokes.

"Well I'm not sure yet." Wendy says as she looks through the pictures. She makes it to Ashley and Ashlyn one. The girl laughs, pointing at the picture." Haha, It looks like they're on fire" She giggles. Kevin looked at her and nodded "You're right. You're the nerdy kid aren't you?" He asked. The girl looks at him dead in the eye, shaking her head as she looks back at the computer.

Some hours later: The girl yawns. "Wendy? I and..." Kevin trailed off asking for her name

"Amy, Amy Salvador" Amy said.

"...Salvador are gonna go home k? Cya tomorrow" Kevin continued his sentence as he pats Wendy's head. Wendy smiles at both of them and nods as they both left. When they left she turned back to her photos. Just seconds before her light exploded. She looked at it in confusion before shaking her head a little and goes back to viewing pictures. They all look good for the yearbook..  Ok maybe some. She looks at the picture of Ashley and Ashlyn again, this time, more attentively. 

She then took out her flip hone and dialed Ashley's number   "Hello!" The phone said, Wendy was glad to be able to talk to her, "Hey Ashley It's Wendy-" She got cut off. "Sike! Leave a message". Now it was pretty hopeless to tell her that something may be wrong, as he leaned on the chair, slightly pushing it back. Some minutes later she went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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