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In the 18th century, Wales was known for its admiring qualities and its ravishing beauty. It was high of Royal standard. Even the ruler Queen of Lodine, Queen Anna, was said to have hailed from one of the kingdoms in Wales. The land was blessed with milk and honey. They had evergreen vegetation, a mild climate and clean fresh water springs, of which the people got their drinking water from. Wales is also known to have mountains and the ones clearly seen, are said to be so high that most travellers stated the mountains, reached the clouds.

At this time, there were no cars, no telephone, no speed boats, no fast cooking methods (such as our gas cookers and electric stoves), no media. They only exist carriages, wood constructed boats used by the fishermen, letters, and newspapers; which are delivered by messagers (they are like the post men we have these days).

There was absolutely nothing to make jobs or life easier but, everyone still lived to the fullest and was happy.

Wales, like stated earlier, has kingdoms and each of these kingdoms, has their culture of which them abide to, and are blessed with fertile soil. Some kingdoms were not at peace with one each other, and so went against one another, they often fought just to increase their population and acquire more landscape. But when other nations, threaten the peace of Wales; the kingdoms do not hasten to fight together and make sure to win the war. They were the best in everything.

There were two well-known kingdoms, Haza and Bon. They have been enemies for years. When a new king takes over the throne, it was expected of him to keep up the fight with his strategies. They hated themselves so much and always declared wars. And since the two kingdoms, had fine great warriors, none surrendered to the other. The annoying part was, no one knew the exact reason behind the cold hatred for each other, but sure thing was that, no one was ready to put an end to the conflict.

Rumours were told about what caused the wars and some would say it was a personal war between the royal families, but then, none was telling anything.

Haza is an Island located in the Heart Of Wales. The Island was surrounded with crystal water and the floor of the ocean can be seen. The land was the most fertile, as rare fruits grow there. They even sold most of their common products to the other kingdom, and it attracted envy. 

Furthermore, the king of Haza, king Beldon was a tall hairy handsome man, he was respected in and out of his kingdom. The young King got married to a noble lady who bears the name Evelyn and later in their marriage life, they got their only child, Mayah.

Mayah, from the age of ten, was always covered with a veil and was not seen regular. And as time flew fast, like a blink of an eye, the little cherished princess, Mayah, had grown into a beautiful goddess. But her beauty was only seen by those who cared for her and her parents.

There was a well-welcomed culture among the kingdoms in Wales, and it involved the daughters of every family.

Every year, the first six months are called Period Seasons. These are months when mothers used to train their matured daughters how to be good housewives, while the last six months are called Marriage Seasons. In these Seasons, it was expected of every home to present their grown daughters; ripened enough for marriage out. The age that were accepted was from sixteen.

The rules were not much but very comfortable. First, the females must have started seeing their menstruation and during the Period Seasons, they must be taught how to keep clean.

The second rule was, there should be no lies about the age. The girl child must be from the age of sixteen and a proof of the age must be given.

Third rule, more than one daughter of the family can be presented but, the elderly ones are to be married off before the younger ones. Though, the younger ones can be engaged.

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