I Don't Look Away

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"Cross-dressing is a bold choice, don't you think Isabel? But well, you were always one for bold choices, isn't that right?" I froze in place. What is she even doing here?

<at the academy>

I remember that day like it was yesterday. I finally finished one of my long-lasting sewing projects. I just had to add the buttons and my new waistcoat would be ready to wear. I was excited because I wouldn't have to wear those uncomfortable blouses that were the mandatory part of our school uniforms. I already fashioned my skirt into a pair of trousers so now I had a full outfit. Happy with my new creation I ran to find Alma. Little did I know that in all the excitement clouding my mind I forgot to lock our shared room.

I found Alma in the left wing, reading in the study. I ran in and I almost fell on my nose.

"I finally finished the waistcoat!" Only then did I see Balenciaga sitting on the window sill with a puppy in her lap. She was a few years older than me, this year was her final one and she was going to be made an official ymbryne the next summer.

"Hello Isabel," she said with a smile. Months ago I would have turned red and smiled like a dork as I used to have a crush on her. But now I only nod and turned to Alma. She closed her book, carefully, keeping one finger between its pages to mark her reading progress.

"That's wonderful news, Iz," she said and pushed up her glasses. "I would love to show you, but if you're occupied I'll come later," I said and turned to leave. "No it's quite alright, I happen to find this book rather dull anyway."

When we got to our room the door was wide open and all of my projects including my new waistcoat were gone. I panicked. Alma said something about going to Miss Avocet and reporting it, but I couldn't hear her when I noticed smoke rising from the backyard.

As we sprinted into the garden I saw them. Angelica and Jack hunched around the fire, laughing and drinking. Then I saw Jack reach behind him and before I could register what was happening he threw my new waistcoat into the hot flames. As it was made from cotton the flame consumed it entirely in seconds. I screamed. My eyes were burning from the smoke and sheer injustice as I threw myself at them. I don't remember what happened after. If it weren't for Alma who pulled me away I'm certain I would have seriously hurt them. Not that they didn't deserve it, I thought. Days passed and the news about MY crazy outburst spread like a plague through the Academy. Jack walked around with a black eye telling everyone that I'm out of my mind, Angelica carried herself around with a 'tear-soaked handkerchief, fake bandage on her upper arm and a pretentious tale that she'll never fly again. I was never too popular but this incident made my days even lonelier. I tried to clear my name but only a few believed me. Even Balenciaga stood up for me, knowing I often talked about my sewing progress, but as she never really saw any of my creations her words had little credibility. My only other ally was Alma, but they didn't even consider her as a trustable source seeing as we were close.

"Miss Starling wants to see you in the office, come with me," said Alma sadly and together we headed for the stairs.

The door to the office seemed huge. The dark oak Wood absorbed all the light in the hall. A cold shiver ran down my spine.

"They're going to throw me out." I felt a hand pull me back with full force.

"NO, THEY ARE NOT, I AM NOT GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN!" Alma's cheeks turned the colour of warm summer sunsets. I have never seen her so fierce about anything, but she was always one for surprises."It's going to be alright. I promise,'' she said and maybe it was because I was tired of constant fighting with other students or maybe it was the determined look in her eyes, but I believed her.

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