"Good morning," she murmured leaning toward him and giving him a peck on the lips.
"No, no, no baby," he murmured sitting up and pulling her onto his lap. "Is that how you intend to greet me this fine morning," he said caressing her exposed skin as she shook her head no, wearing a smile. "Now kiss me good morning," he said wearing a mischievous smile as she placed her hands on his cheeks.
Leaning towards him she slowly moved one hand to the back of his neck her fingers playing with the silky strands at their own accord as his eyes moved to her lips watching her tongue moisten her lips as he swallowed. She let out a shaky breath moving closer to straddle him as her other hand stroked his cheek.
Leaning towards him he closed his eyes just as their lips met. His hands moved from her thighs to her firm rear pulling her closer before she felt his hand moving to her thigh once more whilst his other hand moved to the back of her neck keeping her from pulling away.
Getting the message she ran her hands down his neck to his shoulders as he rhythmically caressed her thighs making her moan when he moved closer to her centre.

She felt him harden beneath her which in turn made her rub her heated core against him hearing him curse.
"Ari," he said gripping her hips stopping her from moving. "There is something I need to tell you or so help me I will regret whatever happens now.

"What is it?" She asked all of a sudden concerned seeing how serious he was as he allowed her to move aside.
Moving off the bed he pulled a shirt on running a hand in frustration through his hair as she sat on the bed looking at him.
He kept pacing before she got off the bed stepping in front of him as he looked down in shame avoiding her eyes.

"Talk to me," she whispered.
"Remember when the children told you about how bad things were when you left," he said swallowing the lump in his throat as he cleared his throat several times.
"Yes," She said tilting his head so he could look at her.
Pushing him back towards the bed he obliged her before she straddled his lap.
"I'm listening baby," she whispered as she slid the shirt off of him once again before removing hers as he visibly swallowed several times.

"You did something bad," she stated looking at him as he visibly swallowed once more looking at her in surprise.
"T, I wasn't thinking," he said looking lost.
"Tell me," she whispered linking her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes seeing fear.
"I," He whispered clamping his mouth shut looking away from her.
"I'm listening," she said as he hung his head in defeat.
"I fucked Tatiana," he said a tear running down his face. "It meant nothing honestly," he said his voice wavering. "I was not thinking of my actions. I was...," he said stopping when she held a finger to his trembling lips.

"I kinda figured it had to do with her. She is a pesky little bug and would have taken the chance to pounce on you when you were vulnerable," she said as he looked at her in confusion.
"However," She said removing the clasp of her bra as he looked at her more confused. "I really wanted to consummate this union," she said making him look at her baffled.
"I am going to need maybe an hour to deal with this news," she said as the material dropped onto the floor; he swallowed looking at her clad in only her underwear before looking away from her as she walked away.

Turning towards the bathroom he held his head in regret as he heard the shower taps turn on.
As she stepped out of the bathroom finding him on the floor. He seemed deep in thought as he stared at the same spot.
"Greg," She called out his name getting no response.
"Baby," She said gasping seeing his eyes red with tears when he looked up at her.
"Forgive me Ari," he said going onto his knees. "I know I have messed up other times but this was the worst of them all," he said as she looked at him.
"Gregory get up, please," she begged in a whisper not wanting to see him like this ever.
However, he shook his head no in shame before she moved to grab his chin making him look at her.

"I cannot keep on dishing out my forgiveness to you Gregory. You need to communicate with me. Don't do anything in anger or else you will regret it like you are now," she said as he nodded his head. "Come," She said holding out her hands which he took before she led him to the bathroom.
Filling up the tub with water and bath salts she allowed him to remove his clothing sinking into the water whilst she dampened a small towel under hot water.
"Here put this over your eyes," she said as he reached for her hand.
"Stay," He said looking at her. "Please," he asked as she shook her head no before walking out.
Walking back into their room she made up the bed recalling the wedding when she saw their photograph mounted about the bed.
She placed the last pillow hearing no sound from the bathroom before her thoughts took over making her rush back to the bathroom.
She found him in the same position with the towel still over his eyes which he reached out to remove once she entered the room. Moving towards the tub she leaned down feeling the temperature of the water feeling it was no longer warm before she tapped his leg out of the way opening up the hot water tap and adjusting the temperature once more.

Closing the taps she slowly untied her robe as he froze taking her in as the material fell to her feet.
"I hate you Gregory Rhymes," She sighed as he simply looked at her at a loss of words.

King Maker: Revelations. (Part 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें