Chapter 2: Scott

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Blinking the sleep out of my eyes I stretched my arm above my head peering around my new room. The sun shone onto the ugly orange walls showing off the cracks and stains that covered them. I took a deep breath, tasting the polluted air of Derry and slid on my slippers disappearing downstairs, leaving my bed tastefully unmade and my dog sleeping with her head lolling off it. 

I took a seat on the rickety chair in the kitchen, eating the cheerio's my parents had  put in the basically empty cupboards 'need to go shopping soon' I thought as I stared at the worksurface eating my cereal. 

As I chewed I thought over the plan I had formed and intended to complete today:

-Talk to someone and ask them about bullies

-Find out what the bullies look like 

-Make a plan to stay away from said bullies 

-Buy some books

'The first task on my list will be the hardest to complete' I thought to myself as I threw the bowl in the sink before running upstairs to get changed 'Ill get it out of the way first then'. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt before placing on some sandals and opening the door.

My parents were out looking for jobs, and they told my they would be back by 14:00. They had left a little note for me on the moulding fridge saying:

 ' (name) please take the dog out before we get back, love you xxx'

I grabbed my rucksack and threw my water bottle and umbrella in as the clouds looked grey and I didn't want to risk being caught in a shower. I locked the door behind me before strolling silently down my street looking for a child my age.

After 10 minutes of walking I had stumbled across the Derry bookshop. When I looked up to read the sign, a few of the letters were missing. However, because of the rain, the wood around the lettering was much darker and I could read what it stated 'Bits and books bookshop- Derry'

I pondered whether I should go in as my first plan was to talk to someone about the towns bullies  but seeing as I was at the bookshop, I might as well get my books now. 

The bell tinkled signifying my entry in the shop, and as I stepped in I was stood practically face-to-face with a teenage boy. My face erupted in a crimson red as the boy smiled at me and asked how he could help. "Hello! My name is Scott and I work here at bits and books- how can I help you?" 

I stuttered on my words as the smile never faded from his freckled face and I felt a sense of impending doom fall upon me. Before he could become confused with my lack of speech I blurted out a singular word "Classics". 

"Follow me" he chirped, not at all weirded out at the fact I had only said one word. That was the first person outside of my family I have spoken to in a long time and in a way I could feel a weight lifted off of my shoulders and I felt as if maybe I could ask Scott about the bullies here. 

I followed him through the seemingly endless shelves of books, until we reached the back of the shop. "Here we are" He smiled gesturing with his hands. "Ill be at the desk if you need anything!" He ran his hand through his curly hair before retiring to the desk like he had said. I simply nodded as he walked away still embarrassed about how I reacted. 

I turned my eyes towards the dusty shelves looking at all of the spines, slowing finding my favourites. After a while I had found all 5 of them:

To kill a mocking bird- Harper Lee

Pride and Prejudice- Jane Austin

Frankenstein- Mary Shelly 

Dracula- Bram Stocker

Alice's Adventures in wonderland- Lewis Carroll

I took a deep breath, fiddling with the pages of the books before slowly making my way to the front of the shop where Scott was still stood with a smile on his face. I placed the books down on the desk and he looked at them. "Dracula" he voiced smiling at me "Good choice". He placed the books in a paper bag and said "$15 please" 

I reached into my pocket fishing out the money before placing it into his outstretched hand. He smiled once again before asking "Can I help you with with anything else?"

I gulped. My mind was racing. Palms were sweating as I mumbled out a sentence.

"Well I'm new here and I don't want to get on the wrong side of anyone and so I was wondering who I should avoid."

His face fell and his lips pursed as he said "Henry Bowers and his goons". After that answer I gulped again and asked him how bad they were and what they did. Scott dropped his head and exited the shop door beckoning me after him causing me to step out into the summer air.

We walked for a few minutes before Scott stopped, putting his arm out and gently pushed me back into a dark alleyway. I could hear loud music blaring out of a car speaker and I looked over to see four boys huddled over what looked like a bike? 

Scott nudged me drawing my attention away from the boys and towards him. "The blonde one" he whispered "That's Victor Criss" I looked over to see him walking away from the rest of the boys and leaning against the blue convertible, pulling out a cigarette. 

"The one with black hair and a yellow top, that's Patrick Hocksetter - Henrys number two." I looked over to see him shouting at ... the bike? No. the boy with the mullet stepped back, giving me a view of a boy my age with dark skin and a fresh cut across his forehead, being abused by the teens. 

"That's Mike" Scott explained with a grimace pointing to the victim. "He delivers the meat to my dads shop."

He sighed pointing toward the gang of boys again "The one with the mullet is the leader, Henry Bowers, he's a ruthless psycho who likes to inflict pain on others. If his dad wasn't a cop, he'd do much worse than he does now."

I once again looked over to see Henry bend down and spit on poor Mike's face, before laughing obnoxiously and clambering into the car.

The boy whose name I didn't know climbed into the drivers seat and turned up the music which I identified as Metallica and drove off, steering into the left lane many times. "The driver of that car was belch Huggins." Scott says crossing his arms and leaning against the dirty wall, his freckled eyelids closing as he let out a sigh. 

"Good luck trying to avoid  them being new and all." He spoke, giving me a pat of the shoulder before walking back to the bookshop looking down, leaving me and my thoughts alone. Thinking back to the scene I had just witnessed, I came to one conclusion. 

I'm screwed!

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