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I waited another day before going back there. I didn't want to risk running into that group of boys. I wouldn't be able to explain why I'm there with out them finding out I wrote the letter.

When I got there I found the desk and searched for the letter. In it's place I found a note. I read it.

To The Secret Admirer.

You didn't sign your letter, so I won't sign mine. I found your letter, guess that's obvious or else I wouldn't be replying to it. It was very beautiful and I want to find you and give it back. But you didn't sign your name. It seems like you don't want to be found at all. If this ever finds you I hope for a reply.

          The Finder.

This had to be one of those boy's. God, I really should've looked. Whoever it is wants to give it back, all I have to do is reply. So I did. I left my note where I found the other one.

Yunho's POV

It's been 2 days since I wrote my note. Should I check for a reply? We do plan to meet up there today, so I guess it makes sense to.

I arrive in the club room early to check for a reply. To my excitement there is one.

To The Finder

You are right indeed. I do not want to be found. But I want my letter back. It wasn't supposed to be read, or else it wouldn't have been left in an old desk no one uses. Leave my letter in the desk.
       A Secret Admirer.

Well that's rather cold. I wanted to meet this person, and all they want is their letter back. I guess it makes sense though. But I'm having fun.

That's when I thought of an idea.
I hope they play along. I put my note in the desk, and pulled my phone out to wait for my friends.


I waited another two days before going to the club room, and checking for my letter. It's never that easy though is it? I pulled the note out and read it.

To The Secret Admirer.

I understand you wish to remain anonymous, so in fairness I will withhold my name as well. But I am not giving the letter back so easily. How about we make this a game? If you figure out who I am first, you get your letter back. But if I do, I keep it.

           The Finder.

What? Seriously? Who does this asshole think they are? I don't have time for these games. I need my letter back. I grabbed my notebook and wrote my response. I put it in the desk and left the room.

Yunho's POV

It's been two days since I left my note. They usually reply by then. I should go check.

I heard a door open and close down the hallway. Is that them? I hurried to check, but no one was there. I went in and found a note.

To The Finder.

As fun as your game sounds, I don't have time for it. I need my letter back. I'd appreciate it if you'd just put it back where you found it, and left me alone.

         A Secret Admirer.

Seriously? They won't play along. They say their busy, maybe it's not that they won't, but that they can't.
I write my reply and leave it in the desk.


I swear when I was leaving club room after writing my response someone was coming down the hallway. I think I should wait 3 days this time.

And so I did. On the third day I went to the club room, and found a response. I was hoping this would be my letter.

To The Secret Admirer.

If you don't have the time now, we can always play this game later. I have your letter somewhere safe and hidden, your secret love letter won't be getting out. I'll be waiting for your reply so we can start our game.

         The Finder.

How sneaky. Maybe I should never reply, it seems like this person doesn't want to share my letter with the whole school. Maybe they'll keep waiting until I graduate. No I'd be to stressed out that they'd release it one day, even though there's no way to tie it to me, hearing people talk about it would embarrass me. I decided to respond.

-𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎, 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘Where stories live. Discover now