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*(Y/n)'s POV*

We watched as Dad tried to use his tools to activate the map, but nothing happened. "What the devil's the..." He struggled, and then he just glared at the sphere. Jim looked at me and winked until Dad handed Jim the map. "Open it." He handed the map to Jim, and Mr. Turnbuckle let him go. "I'd get busy." Dad threatened, and then he looked at me. Meltdown released my wrists only to let Dad grab them.

Jim knew better than to do anything else. He scrunched his face, and decided to activate the map anyways. We were greeted with a swirl of green lights, and Dad let go of me. He pushed me into Jim, and Jim untied the gag from my mouth. "Are you okay?" he asked, and I nodded.

Dad was in awe, looking at Planet Treasure in a hologram. "Oh, the powers that be." Dad gasped. "Would ya look?"

Treasure Planet dissolved into a line of green light. It pointed out of the hideout to show us the way. "Tie them both up and leave them with the others till we...What?" He was shocked when the lights swirled back into the sphere. Dad turned to me and Jim, and I had my hand in his as I stood next to him with a worried look on my face.

"You want the map, you're taking me and (Y/n), too." Jim negotiated.

Dad chuckled to himself as he thought about it. "We'll take 'em all." 

They weren't so gentle with us when they hauled us on the ship together. Dad kept his hands on the side of the boat with me and Jim together and we followed the route to Treasure Planet. After a while, we decided to go on foot when we got closer to the end of the track.

We were stopped at a foggy forest and it was dark and a bit spooky. Dr. Doppler and Captain Amelia were worried about our safety, but we managed to put on brave smiles for them before we set off. Morph had popped out of Jim's pocket, and was a little frightened. I was, too, if I'm being honest. Morph flew out of his pocket and sat on my shoulder after being patted by Jim. "It's okay, Morph, it's okay." Jim whispered, then he took my hand in his.

"Jimmy, (Y/n), I don't know about you two, b-but I'm starting to see my life pass in front of my eyes." B.E.N tapped on Jim's shoulder and we looked at him as we trudged forward. I walked closer to Jim who didn't seem to mind. "At least, I think it's my life." Suddenly, I clutched onto Jim's shirt as B.E.N started to bawl: "Was I ever dancing with an android named Lupe?!"

Jim let go of my hand to put a finger to his lips and I stopped to turn to them. "B.E.N, shh." Jim said, and B.E.N's gears whirred quietly. "This isn't over yet, guys."

We looked up to the golden cursor that started shining brightly in the green beam of light. "We're getting closer, lads!" Dad cheered, and a sword popped out of his cybernetic hand. "I smell treasure a-waitin'!"

Dad snatched at Jim's shirt and pulled him away from me. "Jim!" I said, and then I felt Oxy and Moron push me forward with Birdbrain Mary.

"Go on, get movin'!" Birdbrain Mary scolded at me, and I scowled at her for being so pushy.

Dad cut through the forest with the sword and we gasped to see we were led to a cliff. The green beam of light stopped at the edge of the cliff. "Where is it?" someone asked.

"I see nothing!" Onus said. "One great, big stinking hunk of nothing!"

The lights swirled back into the sphere. "What's going on, Jim?" I asked, walking over to him.

Jim pressed the buttons, and started to twist the sphere open, but nothing budged. "I don't know, (Y/n)." Jim said in frustration. "I-I can't get it open."

"Maybe you activated it wrong." I said, trying to get the sphere back, but Jim just glared at me. "Or...maybe not." I smiled sheepishly.

"We should've never followed this boy!" Birdbrain Mary shouted, shoving Jim to the ground.

"Hey! Do that again, and I'll make sure you're next." I snarled, holding up a fist. I crouched down to Jim to make sure he was alright. 

"I'd suggest your boyfriend gets that gizmo going again, and fast!" Dad poked at me, and before I could look to see if Jim had any cuts, he started to wipe at the ground.

"How about we rip his gizzard right out, right now?!" someone asked.

"Over my dead body!" I shouted back.

"Throw both of them off the cliff!" Onus shouted and the others clamored in agreement.

Jim placed the map into what seemed to be a key hole at the ground, and the whole metal ground ignited to life. A sphere looking hologram emerged from the ground, and we stood back up. Something else happened. A beam of light struck through the night sky and we were all surprised when it turned into a triangular portal.

"Oh, have mercy." Dad's jaw dropped.

"Whoa." I said in awe.

"The Lagoon Nebula?" Jim muttered.

"But that's halfway across the galaxy."

Jim started to poke at the holographic sphere in front of us. "A big door..." Suddenly, the Lagoon Nebula disappeared, and a new area popped up. "Opening and closing." He poked at another planet and we watched it appear on the portal. "Let's see...Kinapis. Montressor Spaceport." Jim grinned to himself as he touched the moon-shaped crescent.

"So, that's how Flint did it." I whispered and Jim looked at me as he touched different planets on the hologram. "He used this portal to roam the universe, stealing treasure."

"But where'd he stash it all?" Dad asked, desperately looking for the treasure on the map. He had tossed Jim aside and I caught him. "Where's that blasted treasure?"

Next to me, B.E.N started freaking out. "Treasure!" He said. "(Y/n)!" He shook my shoulders. "Treasure! It's buried in the..."

"Buried in the centroid of the mechanism." Jim cut him off. "What if the whole planet is the mechanism?"

"And the treasure is buried in the center of this planet?" I gasped, finishing the puzzle with Jim and we exchanged looks. We returned smiles as we figured it out. We looked at the pirate crew together who grabbed at their tools, trying to dig their way through, only to forget that this planet was made out of metal.

"And how in blue blazes are we supposed to get there, (Y/n)!?" Dad roared, whirling around to us. He continued to look through the map in frustration.

"Just...open the right door." I said, pushing Dad aside slightly while pushing on Treasure Planet.

Jim started to put his hand through the portal as we gazed upon the center of the planet. I watch him disappear through the portal, and we were all standing there until his hand popped back out to me. I took his hand and I hopped inside.

"Wow," I said. "That felt weird." Dad came to follow us, and push me against Jim and we just scowled at him. Everyone started cheering amongst themselves and ran to make their way to the treasure. My eyes widened as I looked around the room, "The loot of a thousand worlds..."

We were left behind, and the rest of the crew dove themselves into the sea of treasure. "We are going to need a bigger boat!" I heard Onus shout and they all laughed.

"This is all seeming very familiar..." B.E.N murmured to himself, putting a hand to his head. He scratched the top of his head as Jim was in another thought. "I-I can't remember why."

"Guys, come on." Jim whispered, and knocked B.E.N back to reality. He took my hand and led us away from the crew. "We're getting out of here, and we're not leaving empty-handed."

"B-But...Jimmy! (Y/n)!"

Treasure Planet x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now