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*(Y/n)'s POV*

Dr. Doppler had a reaction that made Dad laugh in a hearty way. "I'm just kidding, Doc." He laughed, and put the eye in his mouth. He chewed on it, and I tried not to barf.

"Is your dad always like this?" Jim whispered to me.

"Yes..." I whispered back with a sigh. "Unfortunately, but it's not bad, I promise."

"I'm nothin' if I ain't a kidder!" Dad leaned into Jim. "Go on, Jimbo. Have a swig."

I watched as his spoon started to...well, morph. "Morph!" I said, and he turned into a happy blob. He turned into a straw and slurped up Jim's stew. "I was wondering where you've been."

"Oh, Morph." Dad said. "You jiggle-headed blob of mischief! (Y/n), I thought you were watching him! You know how much he likes to transform."

"Sorry, I thought he was on my shoulder." I said. Jim and I watched Morph sink into his bowl after finishing the stew, and he let out a huge burp. Morph flew out of the bowl and snuggled Jim's cheek.

"What is that thing?" Jim asked.

"What is that thing?" Morph mocked him.

Morph transformed into a smaller version of Jim, and he landed on Jim's finger.

"He's a morph." I explained, shrugging, and Morph turned to look at me. "We rescued the little shape-shifter on Proteus 1. Come here, buddy." I giggled, and he flew back to my shoulder.

"He took a shine to her." Dad said. "Those two have been together ever since."

"We're about to get underway." Mr. Arrow said. "Would you like to observe the launch, Doctor?"

"Would I?" Dr. Doppler asked, but his reaction was a mix of surprise. "Does an active galactic nucleus have superluminal jets?" Mr. Arrow doesn't respond, but stare at Dr. Doppler, like he was speaking in a foreign language. And honestly, it felt like he was, because I had no idea what he just said.

"Mr. Hawkins will stay here in your charge, Mr. Silver." Mr. Arrow said.

Jim and I turned to stare at each other in disbelief, then we faced Mr. Arrow before he led Dr. Doppler out of here. "What?!" We exclaimed.

"With her?!" Jim asked, pointing at me.

"With him?!" I asked, pointing at Jim.

"Is there a problem?" Mr. Arrow asked.

"Mr. Arrow, the only cabin girl is me." I walked over to him. "I'm not about to share the cabin with this guy."

"I didn't want to share it with you anyway, Daddy's girl." Jim grumbled, and I snarled at him.

"Captain's orders!" Mr. Arrow glared at the both of us, breaking us up. "See to the new cabin boy's kept busy. (Y/n), that means you."

"But, no-" I started to say, and Jim walked in front of me as Mr. Arrow left the deck.

"No, you can't-"

We both sighed together and I turned to face Dad who was just minding his own business, but secretly enjoying my banter with the new guy. I'm pretty sure I was going to get a talking to later about the plan if things start going downhill from here.

"So, Captain's put you with us, eh?" Dad asked, walking over to Jim who looked away.

"Whatever." Jim said.

"Well, who be a humble cyborg to argue with a captain?"

"Yeah..." Jim rubbed the side of his face, and turned to the barrel next to him. "You know, these purps, they're kind of like the ones back home on Montressor." He said, tossing it one hand to the other. "Have you two ever been there?"

My eyes narrowed to Dad as I helped chop up more ingredients to add to the stew. "I can't say we have, Jimbo." Dad said, since I had no idea what to say, but to follow orders and keep quiet.

Jim bit into the piece of a purp. "Come to think of it, just before I left," Jim started to say and hopped onto the counter beside me. "I met this old guy who was, um...he was kind of looking for a cyborg buddy of his."

"Is that so?" Dad asked.

"Yeah." Jim said, rubbing the purp against his forehead. "What was that old salamander's name? Oh, yeah. Bones. Billy Bones?"

"Bones? Bones...?"

I gritted my teeth to not say a word.

"T'ain't ringin' any bells." Dad said, walking over to me and looking at my work. "Good work there, darlin'. Bring those over when you're done and just clean up."

"Yeah, it must've been a different cyborg." I said.

"There's a slew of cyborgs roamin' this port." Dad said.

Then, we heard a whistle calling. "Prepare to cast off!" Mr. Arrow said, and we stopped our conversation.

"Off with you two," Dad said, pushing me aside. "Go ahead, and watch the launch with him, (Y/n). She'll be having plenty of work waiting for you afterwards."

"We're all clear, Captain!"

"That's Onus." I said, pointing up to the crow's nest. "He's got the eyes before we set sail." I was showing Jim the crew and explained who they were and what their jobs were.

"All hands to stations!" Mr. Arrow yelled.

"Come on, you scurvy scum! I'll race you!"

"That's Birdbrain Mary, racing Oxy and Moron."

Jim looked at me as we watched them climb the shrouds. "You're kidding me, right?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I wish I were."

"Loose all solar sails!" Mr. Arrow ordered.

"Oh, watch out." I said, pulling Jim away from the crew members who tugged on the string. They bumped into him and Jim almost started to argue, but I stopped him. "You don't want to mess with those guys. Come over here!"

I took him to the edge of the ship, where we were starting to float away from the town.

"Heave up the braces!" Mr. Arrow continued calling out orders.

"Whoa..." Jim said in awe.

"Brace up!"

"You wanna see something really cool?" I asked. I led him underneath the mast and we saw the solar sails coming to life.

"You get to see this everyday?" Jim asked, and I nodded with a lie. I started to feel myself floating off the ground and I started feeling nervous. "Hey, you okay?"

"I'm-I'm fine." I stammered, nervously. "I just don't like this part of taking off."

"Mr. Zoff, engage artificial gravity!" Captain Amelia said.

He made some farting sounds and he pushed the mechanism in place. The machine whirred to life, with purple lights activating, and we finally got ground.

Jim looked at me, and made sure I landed safely.

I took my hand back from him.

"South by southwest, Mr. Turnbuckle, heading 2-1-0-0." Captain Amelia ordered.

"Aye, Captain. 2-1-0-0!" Mr. Turnbuckle recalled.

He turned the wheel, and we set off. "Full speed, Mr. Arrow, if you please." she said.

"Take her away!" He spoke into one of the messenger tubes.

I braced myself against the mast, and I saw Jim climbing on the shroud. He leaned his body out and was smiling from ear to ear. He looked at me and teased me with a smile as I had my eyes closed in fear.

"(Y/n)?" Jim called out to me. "You can let go of the mast now."

"Oh," I cleared my throat, and stood upright.

"Take my hand." He said, and held it out to me. "You gotta come up here, it's amazing out there!"

I climbed up to the shroud to level with him, and he took my hand in his. I had my hand on the shroud to keep my balance, and looked around the sea, filled with different creatures.

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