To late

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*10 hours Mephone4s and 4 found TestTube and she was still alive just sick*
*trophy and knife in trophy's room*
Trophy:why won't she just die.
Knife:*sigh* you notice how Mephone4s and 4 keep helping TestTube..?
Trophy:I think I get what your saying there
*they both grab weapons*
Trophy:time to kill that Disgusting bi-
Knife:please stop cussing your the only one that cussed here
Trophy:fine for now
*they take Mephone4s and 4 outside far away*
Mephone4s:you know Siri this is really far
Siri:you know there trying to-
Mephone4s:shush Siri I don't care
Mephone4:y'know I could really do for a cookie!
Trophy:well you gotta pray there's cookies in hell
*they both casually make them pass out (da there not dead)*
Trophy:time to kill-
TestTube:*sigh* kill me? Sorry won't happen
Knife:yeah no. *raises hammer*
*they have a epic battle to the death and I'm the next chapter it will be revealed who will win*

There your friends And they forgave youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang