“News of the day: A lady was found dead in the streets of gangnam district according to reports she was a skilled doctor at the infamous asylum. Last month a suicidal case was registered. A middle aged nurse had slithered her wrist in front of a ward which is rumored to be possessed. Kindly take a seat because the further news we are about to announce to you, might ruin your sanity. 'P' has returned. Yes you heard it right! The vicious, unforgivable couple 'P' whom we had all forgotten from our lives are back into business. Sora, the doctor who was found dead, is their first victim after a long break. Why do you think she was their target? What was the reason behind them choosing her? As usual a little note was inscribed on her body which stated: a pretty woman hiding her goblin mask.” A heart with an arrow pierced through it was also found on her wrist. With their signature letter 'P' written bold and clear for the forensic lab to read and make out their intentions. Stay tuned for more updates. You're watching KBS news.”

Licking the corner of his lips, he smirked. The corner of his lid slightly wavered. Shrouding his arms on the lady resting in between his thighs. “You got some guts to seduce this killer.” Nibbling in the woman's ear he whispered teasingly.

“It could be the other way around for me. You've turned quite bolder for a man who killed someone a few hours ago.” Chortling, he traced his hands over her hips. “Am I?” Smothering kisses on her nape he reached her lips landing a fervent peck at the end of her lip line. “Isn't it the same case for you, my treasured possession?”

Switching of the television. He raised his brow. “Couldn't help my desires from not holding that knife. And don't I always say, you look extremely appetizing and alluring when you carve on their bodies. My words and your art go perfectly with each other.”

Picking your frame in his arms he laid you on the bed. Hovering over you, playing with the loose strands lingering near your face. “I should say when you get a smart wife life goes smoothly no matter what phase it is. What a sly female she was. Filling my mind up with lies believing I'd trust her over my wife. Well she surely received the reaction she yearned from me.”


“Since you've chosen to forgive me, let me explain the entire story to you. Before Taehyung does. That dumbo he assumes I haven't grown enough balls to speak up.” Scoffing at the end of the sentence you were throwing tantrums at the male who sat in the living room rethinking his life decisions.

“Do you remember I had once ran late to meet you during recess? And avoided you the entire day. Before confessing my feelings the next day. So I had met up with Taehyung to confirm my doubts on getting into a relationship since I was afraid to be hurt. Though I'm aware you wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on me. My mind wasn't at peace. Before making any decision I had to confirm my feelings as well. To avoid hurting you in future.”

“He was encouraging me to be honest with you. That guy kept on warning me to take care of you. You're like a little child to him who he raised. And at that time we saw Seora standing there eavesdropping on our conversation. She came at the wrong time. While  I was ready to leave the room. My feet got stuck in a nearby bench. I had almost lost my balance and was waiting to fall. Taehyung saved me. She caught a photo of that moment and blackmailed us stating she'll send it to you. I was beyond enraged that picture wasn't a decent one. It appeared wrong in every way.”

“I wanted to beat her up. Your best friend didn't allow me to. And sent her away after snatching her phone. If only I had got rid of her that day. We wouldn't have to be apart for a year. While I was a patient in the hospital you worked in. She wasn't aware I was the same Y/N she had seen with Taehyung. As per Sora's conclusion I was the bad person in the story. Who was cheating on you with Taehyung. Despite knowing the truth she was eager to manipulate you and drift us apart.”

This was new found information for Jimin. Pulling you closer to him. His gaze meandered through your features. “This is the most weird secret you've kept from me. I don't know if I should call it childish or not?” Hitting his arm you growled at him. “What do you mean? Jiminie pabo!” Puckering his lips he flicked your forehead. “Nevermind, you're a childish girl for me.” “NO I'M NOT!” Retorting to his apprehension you deny.


“Now that Sora is out of our lives do you wanna lead a normal life with me?” He was ready to accept whatever decision you took. “Nah! I'm fine being the psycho couple 'P' with you. It's honestly the best. Get rid of people who are unwanted on this planet. As simple as that. Be the Karma to a bitch.” Laughing together at your designation you had announced your decision. “Lust or love? 'P' shall always hunt you down to hell.”

Psycho Couple✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz