"Fucking finally!" Minho exclaimed and plopped down on one of the wooden chairs. He started digging into his food before anybody else could get seated. "I forgot to eat breakfast," he mumbled in between bites, more talking to himself than to Hyunjin. "This tastes terrible."

 Hyunjin chuckled and shook his head. He reluctantly shoved the first bite of noodles into his mouth. If it wasn't for his good manners he would have spat it out right away when he saw Chan approach. Talking to Changbin. Jisung was walking behind him. No. Hyunjin chocked his food down. 

He pulled the older boy down by the side of his shirt. "Chan... why?" And, bless his slow being, he looked back as clueless as ever. "Oh..." You could see his mind clicking. 

"I'll sit down somewhere else," Jisung hissed through clenched teeth and turned away. Jeongin followed with some kind of "don't be mad at him, you know how close Changbin and he are" or something. 

Changbin and Chan sat down at their table anyway. Minho was still devouring his food like he was some kind of Mukbang content creator. Hyunjin had lost his appetite.

 "Hello everyone!" A young man was suddenly shouting. He looked around his age. "I'm Seungmin, I am so happy to host every single one of you for the next two weeks." 

Annnnnnd that's when Hyunjin stopped listing. 

The man radiated some kind of dog aura and told a fun, little quirky story about this camp and yadda yadda. A long speech around the bush, because the real reason for the performance was that he listed all the thousands of rules that you could not break, no matter what, and what obligations they had without having consented to anything like that. 

They were only high school students. Nobody needs their consent for chores. And they were right. They were all teens, hella lazy teens. 


As their group finished eating, they headed to the tents. 

"I don't wanna wake up at seven," Chan whined in a high-pitched voice and clung to Minho's arm.

 I don't want to wake up after falling asleep. Hyunjin chuckled at his thoughts. 

Changbin went quiet, as he always does when he's too tired. 

"Well... see you tomorrow." Hyunjin parted from the rest of the group and kept walking. They waved to him before disappearing inside. 

The white tent build up like a wall next to him; it shone in the twilight in a way that crept him out. 

Be on time.
Clean after yourself.
Phones will be collected during group activities.
The bathing house is only open from 6AM to 10PM.
You can only get in and use the showers when you have a key card, which is provided by the teachers.
You can only shower once a day.
Alcohol and drugs are forbidden and will cause a hell of problems.
Don't go to the woods alone.
Be in groups of three at all times.
No girls in the boy's tent and vice versa.
No sexual intercourse. 

Hyunjin stared through the net in the ceiling. Those were rules he could follow. He had no problem with that. 

Jisung was snoring next to him, moving and spreading out. Whilst Hyunjin was lying like a plank, not moving, finding it hard to breathe. Some rules were hard to even remember. 

Don't seek his attention, don't think about him.
Don't wish for Jisung to kiss your cheek, your lips; to hug you and tell you he was sorry. 

Because Hyunjin didn't even need an apology from him. He just wanted him just the same as before that event. Before he took what he wanted. 

Hyunjin knew the consequences. He went over every outcome that it would have had if he didn't say anything as he saw him reading his letter. His fucking lover letter. 

Despite that, he spent every minute of his time hating himself. Subconsciously. 

Because Hyunjin was blind, he was deaf and dead to every sensory; when he was thinking about Jisung. 

That's what made him fall asleep at night. 

Jisung wasn't the motivation to wake up, more over a weight on his chest to want to live in make beliefs that he would find love. 

Hyunjin was a dumb little teenage boy. A dumb little teenage boy laying in the same tent as his crush, who hated him. And Hyunjin loved him more than himself.  

a long chapter form mister dramatic :D
are you all following along with the world building or is something unclear so far?

stupid piece of paper : hyunsung ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu