y/N vErY sEriOuSLy

455 8 24

Request by @ kxsady

If you know, you know.
If you don't, I recommend skipping this to avoid unnecessary trauma...

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Y/n looked up from her notebook. Of course she hadn't written down anything. Instead she had been drawing pictures of him.

Who's him, you're asking?

Yello Wool obviously.
The handsom, beautiful, stunning, hot, muscular, buff quarterback who always pretended to be a jerk but actually was super nice and friendly and cute and had the sweetest smile. Although Y/n had only seen him smile once and that was when she stalked him while was sitting in a secluded corner of the school yard. He had been drawing.

Y/n giggled quietly at the thought of their shared secret hobby. No one knew she drew and no one knew he did either. Except for her of course. Her Yello was perfect in every way and she wanted to spent the rest of her life with him.

"Is that me?" A soothing, deep voice asked behind Y/n.
She almost squeaked in shock slamming her precious notebook shut.

Turning around she blushed furiously upon noticing that the angelic sound had come out of the one mouth she had always dreamt about kissing.

"I-I-I ye- I mea- n-n-n-n-n-o. Wh-why are y-you a-a-a-a-s-k-king?"

"That is a very beautiful drawing." He leant in closer "Almost as beautiful as you."

Y/n's face almost exploded with heat and her heart jumped around in her chest like it was being chased by a thousand of Cupid's arrows.

"Th-tha-thank you!"

"Meet me at the secluded par tof the school yard later?"

Instead of replying Y/n just nodded  blushed even more.

Before they met she opened her hair and messed it up a little bit to look more sexy to seduce the handsom guy of her dreams.
Y/n put on a lot of bright pink lipstick (so everyone would know who Yello belonged to afterward and made her way to the school yard.

When she arrived Yello was drawing a picture of Y/n. It looked horrible and she almost laughed at his poor attempt but was stopped when he said "Hi, babe! I drew you!"

"H-Hi! It- It's very p-p-pretty!"

"You know what else is pretty?" He said suddenly standing up and cornering her to the wall.

She gazed up into his bright Yello orbs feeling his hot breath on her lips. He stared back hungrily.

He smelled like lemon and dog and-

Suddenly Yello's face morphed into the one of a wolf. Sharp teeth and pointed furry ears replacing what had been the perfect looks of  her handsom and sexy boyfriend.

She wanted to scream but he held her mouth shut.

"You're so lucky, Y/n. Jack said I'm not allowed to eat humans. Not even if they're..." he looked Y/n up and down "if they're the most feared monster of modern, independent fiction."

"Pl-please! Let me g-go!" She cried tears streaming down her cheeks forming a big puddle on the floor.

"Sorry." He shook his head no before opening Wattpad on his phone and hitting a few icons on the screen.

Suddenly Y/n could feel herself getting lighter and a little dizzy. Soon enough she realised that her body was shrinking and becoming transparent. With a satisfying *plop* she disappeared into a story and was quickly deleted.

Yello put away his phone smiling triumphantly. Yet another successful Y/n catching mission.

Then he went to go make out with one of his idiot boyfriends.

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If you seriously read Y/n I'm absolutely not sorry for making fun of you. You can go play with the Fortnite kids lolol

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