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platonic Yello+reader fluff
your name: Z
your pronouns: they/them

Requested by @ -_king_of_spades_- >>>

It's super mega short since +Reader is somewhat uncomfortable to me and I don't really know how to write the character.

I stan friendly affection though...

Enjoy :)

Characters: Yello, Z

POV: you aka Z

Warnings: drinking/alcohol

Ships: none

Started: 2022/07/06

Finished: 2022/07/09

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"You look like shit!" you blurt out before slapping a hand over your mouth.

"Excuse me?" Yello gasps offended. He's standing in front of you, his hair sticking to his forehead, panting heavily.

You probably shouldn't have said that. But you quickly find a way to save the situation "I mean you look like you feel like shit. You're still hot and everything."

He stares at you blinking a few times before shrugging it off.

"Maybe I look like shit because somebody made me run up the stairs twice to get their favourite blanket."

You giggle as he throws the blanket at you. You try to catch it but it lands right in your face before you can react.

"Holy Frick, man... How drunk are you?" He asks at your slow reaction.

You pull the blanket down from your face looking to the side. Your gaze lands on the small coffee table to your left.

Yello huffs snatching the vodka bottle that is standing on it and walks off into the kitchen.

He comes back with an annoyed expression painted across his face. Maybe you should cheer him up.

"Are you okay? Do you want some cuddles?"

He sighs and rubs his temple.

"Dude, I- look, you said you wouldn't drink anymore while I'm gone and you know how my mom can be. How do you think I'm gonna explain to her that half her vodka disappeared while she left me alone for one night?" He sounds so serious.
Is he really that upset?

"I'm sorry." you mumble looking down at your fingers that are nervously fidgeting with the cover.

He grumbles something you can't really make out and let's himself plop down onto the couch next to you.

"Can you just promise me to not do it again?"

You nodd yes.

"Promise. Do you want cuddles now?

You're smiling up at him and he finally grins back and then wraps an arm around your shoulder.

You turn towards him slightly and hug his torso resting your head onto his shoulder.

Yello pulls the blanket over the two of you.

"You're cleaning up tomorrow." he says and leans his head on yours.

"Nahhh" you yawn, your eyes already closing.

• E N D •

Short and cozy and hella drunk :D

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