It all started after that night...

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Jan 23 2005:  There was a school field trip happening at the carnival. Wendy taking pictures of people for the School newspaper. Lewis flexing off his strength, Frankie taking pictures of Ashlyn and Ashley as they tell him to quit it. Erin and Ian playing Shooting games, and Last but not least, Julie, Wendy's sister coming in with her friends. Wendy looked behind her to take a picture of more students, until she figured out that it was her sister. She let down the camera and looked at her confused. 

"What are you doing here, This is a school field trip, people from MY school" Wendy said.

"So?.. I'm a student too" Julie says shrugging. Wendy sighed, rolling her eyes. "Fine. Just... Get in" She says as she bring up her camera to take a picture. Julie posed and gave the camera two middle fingers, making a pout face as her other friend posed with her.

After the picture was taken Wendy's friends came to her. They all said to go to the roller coaster. 

"Really? that? are you sure?" Wendy said kind of worried. Jason, grabbed a coin out of his pocket. "If.. Heads, It's gonna be fine." He says before tossing the coin up in the air, it spins before landing in his hand. He looked at it. "Heads." He says with a happy tone. Everyone cheered as they went towards the roller coaster. 

They had made it to the rollercoaster, Wendy looks up to see a statue of a demon, whilst the ride is called "Devil's Flight" .She gets nervous as Jason taps her in the shoulder. He asked her to take a picture of him as he went in front of the statue and posed. Wendy had taken the picture.

As they were going to the coaster. Carrie walked up up to her. "Wendy can I tell you something?". Wendy nodded as Carrie started talking "You know Kevin right? Of course, we're dating, so here's the thing.. I don't think I want to be with him anymore." Carrie said, fiddling with her fingers.

"Did you two fight?" Wendy asks.

"No, It's just that he's been interested in other girls and hasn't paid attention to anything or me... I feel like, He like other girls and I'm not going to be the one who gets heart broken in this... though I knew I wanted to break up with him in the firs place." Carrie explained.

Wendy gave her a reassuring smile as they all get to the coasters. "It'll be fine" She said. Carrie nods and hugs her.

They all get to the top followed by some other people, Namely Lewis, Frankie, Erin, Ian and more. Wendy looks up to see a pipe leaking. Kevin looks at Wendy then where she's looking "They really need to fix that" Kevin said. Wendy nodded as the both got on the ride. Carrie wanted to be in the front and Jason wanted to too so they are both sat in the font while Wendy and Kevin are at the back.

The ride starts, they all cheer. As the carts  move, The rails start to rustle. Wendy had taken notice it this as she looks down to see something leaking. She rests her head in the head rest, trying to calm down. the get to the drop, a railing breaks leaving one side of the railing lifted up.

The cart started shaking as the get to the drop, The cart went down fast at full force. Pushing air into everyone. Everyone started screaming as the cart started to rustle more than before and it goes on the broken rail. At that moment, the pipe that was leaking had burst, spraying red liquid on the people still in line. Meanwhile, sparks start to come out of the wheels as the cart goes faster. The friction between the  cart and the railing was so much, that Ashley and Ashlyn had flew out of it. Everyone was now more scared as they started screaming more. all they could hear was screams and sorrow. They made it to a loop causing half of them to fall to their death. Lewi held onto the handle with his life as Wendy screamed at them to hold on. Erin and Ian tried hard to get a grip, before Erin fell, she hit her skull on a pipe and fell to the ground from there. "ERIN!" Ian screamed as he lost his grip and fell as well, dying. Wendy looked in horror as the roller coaster started to go backwards. Lewis still trying to hold onto  the handle before getting flown off the ride, getting ripped in half by a pipe he had fallen into. Kevin had gone back to his position, about to sit down before getting bisected by a small pipe coming his way. "KEVIN" Wendy scream as she cried. The ride titled over and fell, flying Wendy off, Just in front of her was a big pipe, as a tear fell from her eye. Just seconds before her death the premonition she had was gone.

She looked at herself and she was in the same position as last time, when Kevin was about to flip the coin. She looked at it spin as it fell in his hand. "Heads" Jason said with a happy tone, Everyone cheered as the went to the roller coaster. Wendy wiped the tear off her eye as she looked at the demon statue again, 'Just like last time' She thought. Jason tapped her shoulder and asked if she would take a picture of him, She nodded as she grabbed the camera, taking the picture.  As they were all walking up to the ride Carrie walks to Wendy, "Wendy, Can I tell You something?" Wendy had already knew what she was going to say. "Is it about you wanting to break up with Kevin?"

Carrie stayed quiet "How did you know" Was the words that came out of her mouth. Wendy shrugged and continue to follow the queue. Once they were up on the ride, Wendy looked up to see the same pip, pouring out the same liquid at the same time in her premonition. She tapped Kevin's shoulder and pointed. "I'm sure It'll be fine." He said rolling his eyes. Wendy was getting more worried. She then thought of the only thing to do. 

"It's gonna crash-"








"IT'S GONNA CRASH... ITS GONNA CRASH, IT'S GONNA CRASH" Wendy started panicking as she ran out of the queue Kevin followed. Carrie and Jason looked at each other and shrugged before getting on. Lewis got out, going to check on his friend. Ashley and Ashlyn also came out. They didn't really care about what Wendy was saying but  hey followed anyways because it was taking too long to start. Frankie followed them for... Frankie reasons. Erin and Ian shrugged at each other before following.

Kevin caught up to Wendy followed by everyone else. "Wendy what the hell-" Kevin got interrupted by the sound of screaming and a loud crash. Wendy looked in horror as she didn't see Jason and Carrie. She started to cry. Kevin held on to her as she cried. It was a sad night.

"Holy shit" Lewis said in a loud tone. Ashley and Ashlyn screamed in horror. Frankie was... Frankie. Erin and Ian were surprised.

A girl, hidden from the crowd of survivors, walked up to Wendy and gave her a hug. "You saved us , Thank you" She said as she hugged her again. 

"Well now I lost my friends." Wendy said as she cried on her shoulder.

"Hey, Uh.. We should go before.. any thing else .. happens" Lewis says , they all agree and run out.

First off, I missed so fucking much from the whole mf movie that i know remember and secon d of all, I may rewrite

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