12 - Oksana or Command

Start from the beginning

Chatting with the people at their table Gregory walked up to them as Andrew wasn't sitting in his designated chair. About to stand up to leave Fiona stopped him.
"Go join your children," she said as he looked to T for some form of objection finding her talking to Fernando about some case he had read in the paper from what he gathered. With a huff, he walked away from them heading towards the floor as people mingled.

Salazar walked up to him wearing a smirk as he placed his empty glass of scotch on a passing tray. Greg undid his jacket before he shoved both hands into his pockets knowing only he had the guts to try to confront him in front of a crowd. 

"Thank you for the invitation," he said with a smirk looking at Greg whose expression remained cold as everyone around them laughed and enjoyed themselves. Looking up at him he murmured. "Enjoy this whilst you still can. Soon they will be under my charge," he said with a smirk looking at the man before him.

Greg simply looked at him listening. "I have so many plans. Plans of fattening people's pockets with millions of dollars," he said as Greg internally scoffed at him talking of blood money.
"You can't touch me. I have men positioned around this place," he smirked as Greg raised an eyebrow looking at him.
Salazar stood waiting for him to speak as he watched the man pull out his hands from his pockets. Scanning the room he nodded to Eli who signalled his men as Greg took a step towards Salazar.
Salazar noticed that his puppy was nowhere in sight as he looked around the room seeing one of his men being dragged out of the room as he lost all colour from his face looking for the others as they were taken out.
Greg placed a hand on his shoulder in a vice grip making Salazar look up at him.
"Do you still feel in control?" Greg said in a deep voice before he lowered his hand walking away from Salazar and moving to greet some more people as though nothing had happened.

Greg glanced towards their table as Sheikh Nasir asked him a question having apologized for overstepping his boundaries during their last encounter. Turning to the man he answered as best he could due to being distracted making the man smirk. Their table would get orders first as per his instruction before the party as their food was brought to them with the head waiter directing his subordinates as they delivered the meals with finesse.

Shaking her head no, he watched her push the plate away from her as Fernando called over a waiter to remove the plate. He watched her reach for a glass of water as Fiona asked her if she was alright because she all of a sudden looked unwell before she stood rushing to the ladies with Fiona right behind her. Scanning the room he spotted the manager signalling him to come over.
"I need to use the kitchen and bring the waiter on my wife's table," he said watching the man quickly leave to see what could be done.
"If you will please excuse me, ladies and gentlemen," he said.

"What's on tonight's menu," he murmured to himself as he quickly scanned it.
"The lady in the blue dress, what was her order?" He asked as he pulled out a parker pen from his inner pocket.
"She ordered the grilled pork drizzled with the chef's signature sauce," he said as Greg dragged the pen making a clear X on top of the order.

Grabbing a glass he tapped it twice using one of the silverware as a hush fell on the floor.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he said spotting Salazar. Ignoring the man as he continued. "I hope everything is to your liking. Dinner has just started rolling out but there will be a minor adjustment to the menu. Did anyone order the pork dish?" He said scanning the room as a few hands went up hesitantly.
"My apologies ladies and gentlemen. I have had the dish removed," he said scanning the room before his eyes met hers just as they returned seeing her surprised expression as he turned to leave, leaving the waiters to go take replacement orders.

"Who scratched the pork off my menu!" Gregory heard just as the manager tried to explain looking panicked.
"I did," he said watching the man before him turn to face him looking murderous before a smile appeared on his face.
"What seems to be the problem chef," the man said walking up to him before he pulled Gregory into a hug.
"It's been a while, Matthew," he murmured as chairs were brought in for them. "Sit," He said indicating to the chair as he undid his jacket.
"The pork did not go well with my wife. That's why I removed it," he said as the man listened intently.
"What do you need to be done? You can't cook when I'm here? Besides you will ruin your lovely suit," Matthew said as Gregory smirked. He hadn't bothered removing his jacket knowing the man would do this.
"I need French fries prepared," he said as the man called over one of his assistant chefs. "A simple beef burger, well done, tomatoes, lettuce the works. Grill the onion to a golden crisp. No sauces added," he said. " On the side add a coleslaw salad with mayonnaise dressing. Do not chop the carrot. Use a grater, please. Make sure nothing more is added," he said as the man turned to yell for the kitchen to work on his order. "Please have a pitcher of orange juice included. Freshly squeezed. Also, Matthew, some signature sauces of yours on the side would be appreciated," he said pulling out his phone to respond to some emails and messages whilst the kitchen worked.

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