
"Welcome ba....," he heard his housekeeper say as she became pale seeing her boss's new bride looking beyond recognition.
Rushing to open the door he walked into his room seeing that everything had been changed as per his instruction.
"Rest love," he whispered kissing her forehead.

Closing the door he nodded to Zero who stood at the end of the hall before he headed to his office.
Looking at the photo he had taken of mother and son he broke down into tears feeling like a complete failure once he had sat in his chair. He prided himself on his ability to control everything around him. It seemed this woman was turning his world upside down. How could he forget about prophylaxis, he thought to himself.

"Dad!" He heard Derrick yell making him close his eyes wondering when they had arrived.
Leaving him alone he heard Andrew knocking an hour later sounding panicked hearing his daughter calling him as well. He opened the door finding Cindy in tears.
"Daddy," She said tears running down her face as he heard T's screams making him rush to their room.
Derrick was holding T down as she yelled out his name in panic.
"I'm here. What's going on," he said in a soothing voice as she trembled in his arms. Simply nodding his head towards the door he didn't bother to look as she wrapped her arms and legs around him holding onto him as though her life depended on it.
"The bad man came. They were here," he heard her whisper. "He was here," she whispered looking beyond frightened.
Holding her face between his hands he looked at her.
"Baby. There is no one here it's just the kids and I. Everyone you know," he said.

"Theo's father," She said frantically looking over his shoulder as though searching to see that he wasn't there. "He. They," She choked out as he made her look at him once again.
"What did they do?" He coaxed looking at her as his expression turned serious watching her as she looked lost.
"They raped me," she whispered as though afraid of being heard as he closed his eyes leaning his forehead against hers. He swallowed several times trying to remove the lump that had formed on his throat, his eyes shut tight as he tried to control his anger.
For the first time in his life, he felt himself lose all strength as he pulled back and looked at the woman in his arms. He realized there and then that he was willing to kill for this woman and nothing would stop him from doing so as a wave of anger was ignited deep within. But at this particular moment, he could not do anything about that anger.
"Baby," he whispered. "He isn't here, okay? You are me and I you. No one will dare touch us especially you," he said in a serious tone looking into her eyes as she slightly relaxed.
"You will chase the bad men away?" She asked innocently holding onto his shoulders and moving her hands to his cheeks needing reassurance.
"All of them," he said in a grave voice pulling her towards him. "I will keep all the bad men away," he said with conviction she believed him.
An hour passed as he simply held her without a word allowing her to calm down.
Her stomach grumbled as he looked at her with a knowing smirk watching her look away in embarrassment.
"Come on let's go eat with the kids. They won't sleep until they know you are alright," he said leading her to the bathroom so she could wash her face as he grabbed a fresh shirt for her.


"I want fruit," she whispered sitting beside him as the others toyed with their dinner all stealing glances at her looking worried. Titan sat at her feet not fussing as he normally did. Clearly the dog knew this was not the time to be playful.

Placing his hand on her forehead he found her burning up as she rested her head on his shoulder making him frown.
Nodding to the housekeeper he informed her on the fruits to prepare.

"Come on baby," he said. Parting her lips she took the offered apple slowly chewing as he smiled. Holding out an orange slice he watched her part her lips taking the fruit.
"Who knew the tough lawyer I married acts like a baby when not feeling well," he teased her.
"You are lucky I don't have the strength for a comeback," she murmured tiredly making the others chuckle as they attempted to eat though more worried about her.
"I will be waiting for one," he chuckled kissing her forehead as she took the offered fruit playing with the hem of her shirt. A few bites later she shook her head no saying she was okay.

King Maker: Revelations. (Part 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ