Chapter 18: Will

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I hear Hayley screaming from across the hall. It sounds like she's screaming my name. I'm mad at her but I can't stand hearing her scream like that. Especially when I know it's a really bad situation.

I rush across the hall and open the door, which is thankfully still unlocked. Kyle is towering over Hayley, who's crying. The second I reach them, I throw a punch at Kyle. He steps back from Hayley, glaring at me now. "Will, give me a chance to explain this before either of you get hurt," Hayley pleads.

Kyle lunges for me, swinging a punch at my head. I duck in time, avoiding it. "Stop!" Hayley screams.

I look at her, waiting for her to speak. Kyle, on the other hand, doesn't care what she says. He lands a punch in my side and I stagger away from him. Hayley starts talking at one hundred miles a minute, "Kyle came here one day when I had the door unlocked, waiting for you. He wanted to get back together with me and I told him no, since I'm dating you. He showed me that he had nudes of me and told me that if I didn't date him, he would post them. He's hit me a few times in the past three weeks. I'm so, so sorry, Will."

Kyle is going straight for her now, but I step in front of him, blocking his path. "Don't lay another fucking hand on her."

Apparently, obstacles don't matter to him. He strikes me in the chest. I cough but don't move out of his way. I punch his mouth, knowing it'll for sure shock him. He clutches his mouth, a bit of blood seeping onto his hand. "Delete those pictures, right now," I command him.

"Make me," he says, removing his hand from his mouth.

I land another punch, hitting his throat. He sputters and coughs, struggling to get air back into his lungs. I send a kick flying into his side, which knocks him to the ground. "Delete them, right fucking now!"

Kyle pulls his phone out of his pocket and swipes a few things, then taps something. He turns his phone screen to me, showing his empty 'Recently Deleted' folder. "What about your camera roll?" I ask, skeptical.

He exits the folder and opens his camera roll, showing me that it's no longer there. I nod and he slowly gets up. "Get the fuck out. Go. And never show your face here again," I say angrily.

Kyle walks out the door, but not without looking at Hayley once more. The door slams behind him, leaving me and Hayley alone together. I turn to her and she immediately breaks down into sobs. "I'm sorry, Will. I'm so sorry. I should've told you," she says through her wails.

I scoop her up into my arms, carrying her out of her apartment and into mine. "It's okay, don't apologize. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at Kyle. But don't worry about him anymore, it's all okay now."

She nods and closes her eyes. I put her on my bed and then pull out my phone. I scroll through my contacts and find Kyle's, blocking it as fast as I can. I'll get Hayley to do the same later. In addition, I block Courtney. Also something I'll get Hayley to do.

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