Chapter 9 Who Do You Love

Start from the beginning

" now Harry we have another questions from the fans" Phil said and Harry said to continued

" we have seen a couple of pictures of you and a girl named Shelby so is she your girlfriend" he asked

" no she's just a friend we were friends since we were little and she came over to london with us for our tour thats starting soon that's all " Harry said

is that how he really feels about me just a friend nothing more

The show continued and then we went home the ride was silent no one talked we arrived and I looked over at Harry he was on the couch thinking

Could it be about that girl he likes I want to know who she is. Is she me or is it someone else

" you know what its too quiet here let's play truth or dare" louis suggested we all agreed and sat in a circle

First me Harry niall Zayn liam and then louis

" I'll start so liam truth or dare " louis said

" dare "

" I dare you to kiss Harry's butt" louis said with a giant grin

" louis" liam screamed and glared at louis

" sorry bro just do it" louis said

Harry got up and brought his butt to liam faces liam leaned in and quickly kissed it and ran to the bathroom and washed his mouth while the rest of us started laughing

" alright that's enough Zayn truth or dare" liam asked

" Dare" he said

" I dare you to pick out a dress from Shelby's closet and wear it " liam said

Zayn groaned and I took him to my closet and came back wearing a strapless pink dress with a little diamond between the chest and laced from the waist and down and the dress went to mid thigh.

This is too funny I took out my phone and took a picture and put it on twitter the fans are gonna love this.

" niall truth or dare" Zayn asked

" dare " he said

" i dare you to crack an egg on your head " Zayn said

niall went to the fridge and picked an egg and cracked it then he ran to the bathroom and washed it out he came back and sat down while water was dripping from his wet hair and the game continued

" louis truth or dare" he asked

" Dare " he yelled

" I dare you to call uncle Simon and tell him that your a huge fan of him and you love him but you have to pretend that you are a girl" niall said

Louis got out his phone and called Simon cowell and he answered it

" hello" Simon said

" Omg I can't believe it its Simon cowell I'm your biggest fan and I love you so much " louis said in a girly voice

" hi louis " he said

" aww how did you know it was me" louis asked

" your girly voice needs more improvement I could tell it was your voice and stop playing truth or dare I know the boys told you to do a dare like that" Simon said

" OK bye" louis said and ended the call

We started laughing and still continued the game

" Shelby truth or dare "

" dare " I said

Oh no why did I say that he's going to do something that I'll regret

" uh I change my mind I choose truth" I said.

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