I legit gulped, taken aback. Adam hates the heat, why pick such a State? "Why California, in particular?"

"Maggie is tired of bleak weather," he chuckled, drinking some more.

Part of me wanted to point out that she was from London, which notoriously has a horrible weather, but I preferred to remain quiet. The more time I spent with Adam and Maggie, the more suspicious I felt. I never bought his 'love at first sight' explanation on why did he break up with the man we were sure he would marry someday, to instead marry a woman in a rush a woman he barely knows.

"Simone knows I'm coming, right?" I wondered, kind of wanting to test the waters. Every time I mention his ex, there's something regretful in Adam's countenance.

"Of course." He nodded, somewhat hiding away his face.

"You sure?" I doubt he's spoken to his ex at all since he moved back to America.

As if on cue, Adam explained: "A mutual friend told him about you and he agreed to let you live there as long as you need."

"He accepted a roommate he's never even seen?" I wondered, marveled.

Adam's smile seemed more than nostalgic, it was heartbreaking. "Simone is really open, he's got a vitality, a love for life that I'm sure will only do you good, Viv. I don't think he even considered saying no when he heard you needed a place to stay. He may seem a bit crazy and irresponsible, but he has a heart of gold."

There were so many things I wanted to say and ask, but I didn't dare. And yet, I couldn't help catching Maggie's remorseful look as she stared as her husband. A moment later, she excused herself, and I felt guilty for even bringing up the subject. There has to be more to it than what they let on, I just don't know what.



"What do you mean, you're going to California?" I asked, taken aback. "You hate California, Adam." I reminded him. We went to Pasadena when we were kids, to see our uncle, he hated every single minute of the whole visit.

"People change their minds." He shrugged, continuing to pack his bags.

"What's going on really?" I inquired, eyeing the door. Maggie was in the bathroom, taking a shower, so I had time to talk about her. "You come here claiming you fell in love with a woman, you marry her without your family and friends, and now you're going to California, a place you swore to never step foot into."

"Love makes us do crazy things."

"Ugh, don't bullshit me with that." I grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Who is she, really? What the hell is going on with you, Adam?!"

I must have yelled too loud, or she was done with her shower, because the next voice I heard was Maggie's: "Maybe it's time we say the truth." She murmured.

"Go pack your things, darling." Adam said instead, slipping his arm out of my grip.

"He's your brother, Adam." Maggie sighed heavily. "He might as well know."

My eyes shot to her. "What exactly am I supposed to know?"

"Nothing." Adam insisted, going to her, but she stepped back. "Maggie ..."

"Just tell him." She murmured.

My brother sighed, turning to me. "Maggie had some ... problems with her family back home."

"What kind of problems?" I inquired, confused as to what could he possibly mean.

"The kind that triggers a fight or flight response." She interjected, her voice barely audible.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now