Chapter 2

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I stared at the dark red blood coloured roses, all the memories came flashing back at me. I was chromophobic ever since my dad passed away. It's kind of hard for me to live with it but I'm trying. I've visited several specialists to treat my condition but in vain. There are a few colours that makes me feel uneasy but red is the most effective one on me. Red was the only colour among them to send chills down my spine and I usually end up blacking out. Whenever I see the sight of red colour, it feels as if it is surrounding me, wrapping me inside it and suffocating me with its dark aura. My boyfriend, James, was standing innocently with a nervous look on face, holding those flowers. I believe he again forgot that I was chromophobic. And seeing those roses just made me so dizzy, I could feel myself passing out. The last thing I could remember was Ryan's worried voice saying, "what happened?"

I found myself waking up in the nurse's office. Both Ryan and James were standing beside me. "What am I doing here?" I asked. "You blacked out, remember?", Ryan sighed. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I just wanted to make it up to you", James said. "Ahh it's fine, just forget it. By the way for how long was I out?" I asked while scratching my head. "Almost an hour, I believe", said James. "Let's go now, I have my literature class anyway", I said. James hugged me before leaving for his next lesson. On the corner of my eye, I could see Ryan looking really annoyed by this gesture. "He's acting really weird today", I thought to myself. "He's such a dramaqueen", Ryan murmured. "What's up with you today?" I asked while raising my eyebrow. "Are you really that blind, Lily?", he said with an emotionless face. I stared at him for a few seconds, trying to understand what he meant then suddenly the ringing school bell brought me out of my thought. Ryan walked out on me with sad eyes. I still wasn't sure what he meant and went to my class.

Literature has always been my favourite and I've always found it very interesting but today I feel distracted, I was not able to focus. Ryan words kept repeating in my head like an endless loop. "He is my bestfriend I know him very well, right?" I asked myself. "Would you like to share your answer with us, Miss Garcia?" Mrs Andersons said. I heard my teacher calling out my name, I was so lost in my thought that I completely lost my focus on class. "Uh... c..can you please repeat the question, miss?" I asked. Luckily for me, I was one of the top students in her class so she didn't mind me. "Sure, Lily" Mrs Andersons said. Then suddenly I heard the school bell ringing, Mrs Andersons gave us some assignments and left. "This thing is eating me, I'm just going to confront him now", I told myself. While making my way out of the class, Ryan suddenly appeared in front of me. "There you are. Now tell me what's going on?", I said. Ryan grabbed my hand while saying, "Come with me, NOW!". He ignored my question, but I thought something must have happened so I followed him. He looked tense. We made our way to the car. "But there's still 3 hours left for school to get over", I said. "Just trust me", Ryan replied. 

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