Alice The Renegade

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When they looked into the mirror, they were unprepared to find a different face gazing back at them. A face they didn't recognize as it was shaped and molded by what the government wanted them to be.

What if your thoughts weren't your own?

That was the world in which Alice lived, a world where everything was closely monitored and controlled, even thoughts. Unless, of course, one was clever enough to escape the government's iron grip, like Alice.

Most people were terrified to do anything because the government knew everything. However, Alice was lucky to discover a world behind the mirror, an alternate reality, where things went far better for humans. Alice used the resources of that world against the oppressive government of her world.

Wonderland, she called it, because every other place was a wonder to her. Funnily enough, while the people crumbled under hunger and poverty, the government's technology improved. The drones, the ever-present cameras, the listening devices, and now mind control. How the government could tell the starved people that they were going through an economic crisis and justify the improvements of their technology was beyond Alice, but they did.

The only thing that stood in their way was Alice and her group of renegades. Her most trusted operatives, The Hatter, The Caterpillar, and The White Rabbit, were determined to bring the government to its knees. To gain something they had never had.


The victory wasn't far from their grasp thanks to a secret agent from the other world, The Cheshire Cat, who was as crazy as he was skillful. The double agent who would help them destroy the oppressive government and herald a better future for everyone.

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