Chapter 8: Captain Amelia

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A cat like woman was swinging on the ropes from mast with expertise. She landed on the ground with cat like grace. She wore a blue jacket over a white shirt, with white gloves over her hands with her claw like nails jutting out, tan pants, and long black heeled boots. Her red hair was inches above her shoulders and I could see makeup on her face, bright blue eye shadow, black eye liner and red lipstick. Jim and Delbert stared at her in shock, the latter's glass covering fall right into place. The two shot each other a confused look but I just rolled my eyes.

     She walked up to her first mate. "Mr. Arrow, I've checked this miserable ship from stem to stern and, us usual, it's spot on. Can you get nothing wrong?" She said in a British accent. Arrow stood upright but relaxed when she gave the compliment. He smiled and took his hat off in greeting.

     "You flatter me, Captain." He said. She walked a few steps before coming face to face with Delbert. Her eyes were wide in surprise at his suit before it turned into a smirk.

     "Ah, Dr. Doppler, I presume?"

     "Uh, um... yes...I" He tried to get a sentence out but his helmet muffled his words.

     "Hello! Can you hear me?" She knocked on his helmet. I snickered at the scene but stopped before I could get in trouble.

     "Yes, I can! Stop that banging!" He tried to take the helmet off but he couldn't. A technical difficulty that comes with the suit.

      "If I may, Doctor." She grabbed the square control on the front, twisted it and spun him around, plugged it where it was supposed to go. "This works so much better when it's right way up and plugged in. Lovely. There you go." It had taken all my will power not to bust out laughing at this.

Delbert pulled the helmet off his head and grabbed the plug. "If you don't mind, I can manage my own plugging!" He said, waved the plug at her. She grabbed his hand and shook it, making him let go of the plug. It shot back into the square control and it spun around until it was in its previous position.

"I'm Captain Amelia, late of a few run-ins with the Protean Armada. Nasty business but, I won't bore you with my scars." She said, formally introducing herself. "You've met my first officer, Mr. Arrow. Sterling, tough, dependable, honest, brave, and true."

"Please Captain." Arrow said, feeling embarrassed with the praise.

"Oh shut up, Arrow. You know I don't mean a word of it."

Delbert cleared his throat. "Excuse me. I hate to interrupt this lovely banter, but may I introduce to you Jim Hawkins and Emma?" He said. Jim had been looking around the ship until his name was called. "Jim and Emma, you see, are the kids who found the treasure—"

"Doctor, please!" The captain said, grabbing his face to make him stop talking. I looked around and saw a few crew members looking at our group before going back to work. I know what the rest don't know. The crew only wants the gold and are waiting until the chance arises. I turned my attention back to the captain. "I'd like a word with you in my stateroom." She let go of Delbert's face and we all followed her to her stateroom.

When we entered the room, Amelia made sure no one followed us and closed the door. She locked it as well and looked at Delbert, walking over to him, clearly displeased. "Doctor, to muse and blabber about a treasure map in front of this particular crew, demonstrates a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic. And I mean that in a very caring way." She said.

Delbert took offense to that. I don't blame him for it, she basically called him an idiot. A big idiot. "'Imbecilic' did you say?" He said. "Foolishness, I've got—"

"May I see the map, please?"

Delbert looked at Jim, who only shook his head. He glanced at me and I shrugged. He motioned for Jim to hand her the map. He begrudgingly pulled the map from his pocket and threw it at her. "Here." He mumbled. Amelia caught it with one hand. When she looked at it, her pupils dilated like a cat looking at the red dot. She hummed in curiosity. "Fascinating." She said.

She threw the map in the air and caught it before going to open a closet. "Mr Hawkins and Miss... young lady, what's your last name?" She asked, looking at me.

    I looked at the ground, feeling the all too familiar ache in my heart. A last name means having a family, and I have neither. I briefly looked at the captain, giving a small shake of my head. "I don't have a last name..." I mumbled. A moment of silence passed before she spoke.

     "Very well then. You two will address me as 'Captain' or 'ma'am'. Is that clear?" She asked, putting the map in a small chest. She held the doors, waiting for us to address her properly. "Yes ma'am." I said. As captain she can expect us to treat her with the respect she deserves. After all, she's in charge as long as we're on this ship. It's only fair. Jim sighed at having to do that.

     "Mr. Hawkins?" Amelia said.

    "Yes ma'am." He said.

    "That'll do." She locked the closet and put the key into her pocket before walking to her desk. "Everyone, this must be kept under lock and key when not in use. And Doctor, again, with the greatest possible respect, zip your howling screamer."

     I bit my lip to stop myself from giggling. It has to be one of the best ways to tell someone to shut up. Jim got bored with the conversation and went looking around the room. I just stood to the side, keeping quiet and listening to the conversation. Amelia sat down behind her desk as Delbert tried to clear his reputation.

    "Captain, I assure you I—"

    "Let me make this as monosyllabic as possible. I don't much care for this crew you hired. They're... how did I describe them, Arrow? I said something rather good this morning before coffee."

    "'A ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots,' ma'am." Arrow said. I quietly snickered to myself. A perfect description of the crew.

     "There you go. Poetry." Amelia said. I bit my lip again to not laugh any louder than necessary. I don't want any unnecessary attention on me.

     "Now, see here—" Delbert said, slamming his hands on the desk.

     She stood up from her seat. "Doctor, I'd love to chat, tea, cake, the whole shebang, but I have a ship to launch, and you've got your outfit to buff up. Mr. Arrow, please escort these three neophytes down to the galley straightaway. Young Hawkins and Emma will be working for our cook, Mr. Silver."

     Jim was playing with something on the wall and dropped the axe like on the wall. "What?" He said in surprise. "The cook?" Well, things are getting interesting now.

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