Chapter 1: A New World

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I woke up to the sun rising as usual. I blinked to rid the temporarily blindness from my eyes and rolled over on my side to try and preserve a few more minutes of peace. The ground felt harder than normal, not wood but rock. I got confused and placed a hand on the ground. I didn't feel the rotting wood I expected to feel but stone. I sat up and ripped the blanket off me. The ground was indeed stone and I looked at my surroundings after putting my glasses on.

The room was gone and I was lying near a road, a dirt road. The sky was filled with the colors of dawn and the critters of the region waking up. There was no other signs of nature. No trees, grass, flowers or anything else just this road on the rocks. I stood up and grabbed my backpack. I don't know where I am or how I got here but I do know that I had to find someone, to help. I slid the straps over my shoulders and started walking. I went north as I thought it would lead me to a town or village.

The sound of an engine cut me off. I looked up and down the road to see if a car or motorcycle was coming but I didn't see anything. I looked up to see if there was anything in the sky. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. A boat, a small boat was flying in the sky! The sails were soaking up the morning sun and the engine roared with life. I watched it fly over me and went off to its destination. Something about it felt familiar. I couldn't place my finger on it. Is this a dream? I don't know but I shock off the amazement for now.

     I continued walking. I didn't have any shoes on my feet and small rocks jabbed themselves into my feet. I had to stop every now and then to remove a pebble. After I did that it hurt and small bloody spots were left behind but I didn't care. This would pass. Some time later I heard a different sound. It sounded like a horse coming down the road. I looked in both directions and saw a small dot moving my way. I stopped and waved my hands in air, hoping the driver would see me. As it came closer I could see that it was a small carriage of sorts. It didn't have wheels and floated above the ground. The animal driving it is what I would call a cross between a frog and ostrich. It had two feet that weren't webbed so the toes are free to move about, the head was similar to that of a frog but the eyes were sticking out of the head with wide pink lips, the body may be covered in what I can guess is smooth skin but the shape reminded me of an ostrich.

"Whoa there Delilah." The driver said in what sounded like a British accent. He pulled the reigns to stop the animal and I got a look at him. It was without a doubt an alien. He appeared dog like with brown hair, tan skin dressed in a white shirt, beige vest, and a weird green tie coming from his vest. It may have a different name but I surely don't know what it is. He had brown shorts, long white socks and white and brown shoes. He also had a pair of spectacles resting between his eyes and nose. "Hello there, what are you doing out here by yourself?" He asked.

     I debated for a moment for two reasons; I'm shy around others and telling the truth would seem like it was made up. I wore the tattered pajamas I had slipped on the night before, a black sweatshirt a size too big and black leggings that stopped at my ankles. I looked like a homeless run away. "I-I wish I knew." I said. It was the best answer I felt was right.

     He looked around for a moment. "Are your parents around?" He asked. I stared at the ground and shifted uncomfortably on my feet. I really wished I knew where they are. I want to yell and curse them out for making me suffer in that 'orphanage' for so long. I guessed he picked up on what my silence said and dropped that subject. "Do you have anywhere to stay?"

    "No sir."

    "I can take you in. I was on my way to get some breakfast. Do you want to come?"

    I nodded and he motioned for me to hop in his carriage. I did so and he lightly snapped the reigns forward for Delilah to go. "Who are you?" I asked. It didn't occur to me earlier but he seemed rather familiar to me for some reason.

    "Oh I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Dr. Delbert Doppler. And who are you?" He said.


    "Well Emma, I'm sure you will find Montressor a nice planet to be on."

     That name of the planet, meeting Delbert, and the flying ship gave it away. I was in my favorite movie Treasure Planet! I don't understand how I got here. Nothing felt off enough for me to wake up in the middle of the night. Did someone hear my plea? I don't know but that's something I'll have to find out. We went through a town and arrived at the side of a building. Delilah stopped and Delbert hopped off.

    "My friend Sarah owns this Inn." He said. I nodded and got off the carriage taking my backpack with me. He grabbed a few books held the door open. I walked inside.

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