Chapter 8 - Jensen

Start from the beginning

The man coughed. "I just wanted to pay my respects to the General."

I twisted his arm, making him scream, "that is complete bull. It seemed like you wanted to kill him if he wasn't already dead," I spat in his face.

"That's not entirely true. It was an order from Tungsten. I was supposed to use your dad to get you and your friend, so you guys would work for him."

I nodded, "who is this Tungsten?"

The man now sputtered, "he's the leader of Metal Fire."

Grinning, I sighed happily. "Now we're giving somewhere. Why don't we continue this conversation somewhere else?" I asked Cayler to follow us to the living room, and he nodded. I pushed the man to the living room.

"I saw one of your crones at the library when the crap hit the fan wearing one of those jackets. Was he the reason you knew how to get here, or did you follow me and my family when we escaped that god-awful prison? Hm? Anyhow, your group, Metal Fire, is the reason I'm like this!" I took a couple of deep breaths, "Now, you have two choices: you die, or you take me and Cayler to him." I regretted saying it at that second, but I didn't dare change my mind. The man said he would take Cayler and me to Tungsten. "Good, we'll leave in the morning." The man's name was John, and he seemed eager not to die. "Oh, Dan will stay posted outside your room, so no funny business." Dan came in from the kitchen, and then both Dan and John left the living room, going upstairs. I walked back to the dining room and sat down.

"Um, Piper," I said slowly because I struggled with what I'd say next. "I, um, I lost the ring when I was trying to get the turmeric, and I'm sorry about saying I'll go find Tungsten tomorrow." My fiancée looked at me and gently placed a hand on my cheek. "It's okay. I don't need a ring. Just lose nothing else."

"Hey, twins," Kenneth asked, "do you want to see if we can find some rings after Jensen and Cayler return?"

Jace looked at me then in Kenneth's direction, "are you two getting married?"

"I already said yes," Kenneth said. Behind me, Angel was talking to Thomas, sounding a little tense. I turned my head. She was pale with anger.

"Why is that murderous jerk here?" she hissed.

I didn't want to answer, but I did anyway. "He's going to take Cayler and me to talk to Tungsten tomorrow."

"No, it's suicide."

"I made it out alive last time."

"Exactly, that was last time. This time might be different."

"Keyword: might," I said as the woman peered at me scrutinizingly.

She placed her hands on her hips and then said a few seconds later, "fine, I'm going with you and Cayler."

"No offense, but no."

Angel glared at me. "Having Cerebral Palsy doesn't make me useless. You kinda lost an arm and an eye on your last trip."

Sighing, I told her she should go talk to Thomas. As she walked away, August and Wyatt were singing Blue Moon by Frank Sinatra together. "Hey, you two," I said, yawning, realizing how tired I was. "Let me guess, Frank Sinatra fans?"

Both Wyatt and August nodded. "Alex and Brianna used to listen to the Rat Pack when August and her siblings were younger," Wyatt answered.

I nodded, "nice." I opened my mouth to ask Wyatt if he wanted to go with Cayler and me, but then changed my mind. He had already lost enough.

"Was there something you wanted to ask, Jensen?"

"Uh, no?"

Wyatt shrugged. "Well, you were just standing there like you wanted to say something."

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