Chapter 2 - Proposition

Start from the beginning

Jason: And thank you Alpha, It will be a pleasure to help you and your pack.

Aponivi: Please, call me Aponivi.

Jason nods as they all then leave the room to head to the center room within the den to make the announcement. Aponivi then walks up to the crowd of people that gathered in the main hall. Everyone is murmuring about what the announcement is about, some say it's about the creature they saw entering the den with the deer.

Aponivi: As you may know, the being we have been watching for some time now is here, he came in peace even though he was forced to be here. He showed kindness even in the conversation we had. Jason, which is his name, has given us the two venison as a peace offering, and since that gift, I have had a better idea of who he is. As of now, during our hunting parties, he will be helping us gather food. He has said he doesn't need deer to survive and is willing to help us.

The crowd of wolves gasps at the thought of the creature helping them, some murmur in distrust, while others are interested in how it hunts.

Aponivi: Before our hunts, I will request him by sending one of my two pups to get him. I believe that over time, he will become a great asset to us. From talking to him, I truly believe that he is a kind man and is willing to aid us in troubling times. Jason if you please.

He says as he motions Jason to stand next to him.

Aponivi: From this point onward, treat him as a fellow pack member, he isn't fully a part of the pack but do treat him as if he is one.

Some of the crowd erupt in anger at the thought of an outsider, especially an unknown being, being a part of the pack. One speaks out.

Random Male Wolf: What if he decides to kill one of us?

The rest of the wolves murmur in agreement. Aponivi understands the distrust in the being as they are now being told to trust him and treat him as another member. He remembers that he does have a weapon on him and gets an idea.

Aponivi: How are you with a bow and arrow Jason?

Jason: I was one of the best shots back home so I'm sure I'm good with anything you throw at me.

He says while chuckling.

Jason: I am willing to only utilize a bow and arrow instead of my gun if it means gaining your pack's trust Aponivi.

Aponuvi agrees with Jason as he dismisses the announcement. Aponivi then gestures for Jason to follow him.

Aponivi: Come Jason, Id like to see your skills in shooting the bow.

As they venture to the range, Jason is getting frequent stares from the rest of the pack. Kotori and Kaya are right behind them looking back at the rest and giving them mad looks. Kaya especially is giving the meanest look to the rest.

Kotori: You seem off today Kaya, something on your mind?

Kaya springs her ears up as Kotori says her name, he is startled at the thought of being put on the spot by her brother.

Kaya: Its nothing, Kotori

She says as she darts her head forward in an attempt to hide her thoughts.

Kotori: It's about Jason isn't it?

Kaya slightly blushes at the thought of his name but quickly dismisses Kotori's thought.

Kaya: N-No, it's about what father said about him. Being treated as if he were a part of the pack.

Kotori knows what she means, he too doesn't understand the meaning behind their father's announcement that Jason should be treated as a fellow pack member even though he isn't.

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