Basic Facts

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Well hello if you're reading this! I'm happy you want know more about me :D

Here are some facts (leaving out some for security reasons)


Initials: K.W
Age: I'm in Secondary School
Star Sign: Scorpio
Sexuality: Pansexual

Representative Stuff (i can explain the why's if y'all want, just let me know)

Season: Winter
Animal: Arctic Wolf
Colour: Galaxy Blue

'Who am I' Quizzes:

Idol: Irene
Straykids member: Felix
Itzy member: Yeji and Chaeryeong (tests can't decide)
BP member: Jennie
Twice member: Sana

I can't think of what else i need to put here- see you next update! Oh and tysm Wolfy_Kpop for inspiration of this 'book'

Stuff About MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant